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          Logan had just left, holding Patton bridal style so he could put him in bed. I turn to ask Prince something, but he seemed to be in the middle of zoning off. I take in his glazed eyes and the blush along his cheeks.

          "Prince? Hey Princey, you okay?" I ask, worrying about him. There's a pause where Prince looks at me with lust filled eyes, before blinking it away.

          "Yes I am fine. Good night my chemically imbalanced romance." Prince rushes out, before exiting the room hurriedly.

          I quietly go back up to my room, not actually being tired, but not exactly sure what to do either. I softly hum Would You Be So Kind by Dodie. It was a current obsession of mine, not that I'd let the others know. As I change into some pajamas, not wanting to waste energy by simply snapping my fingers, I can't but think about Prince. It caught me off guard to see that much lust in his eyes, and I couldn't help but feel a twang of sadness, knowing that it wasn't for me.

          As I pull my My Chemical Romance crop top over my head, as it is extremely hot in my room, there's a knock on my door. I assume it's Patton, as he is the only one to ever come visit me while I'm in my room. Letting the door swing open, I'm shocked to see Prince standing there, taking my crop top and black short shorts.

          "Umm, I was coming in to ask you something, yet I can't quite remember what it was." Prince stammered out. I don't say anything, as I'm shook to my core at the fact the I am wearing almost nothing and Prince is staring at my legs. I look down and almost collapse in relief as I realize it's too dark for him to see the thin white lines from my past miseries.

          "Well, is there something else you need or are you just going to stare at me?" I ask, managing to keep my voice level, as I pull on a hoodie. If he's just going to stare at me, I at least want the comfort of being semi-covered.

          "Actually, I think I just remembered my question. I was talking to Patton earlier and he revealed to me that you haven't left the Mind Palace to just relax for awhile, and I was wondering if you wanted to explore the imagination with me tomorrow?" Prince questioned me, almost sounding nervous.

          "Well, actually I have plans with Logan tomorrow. He promised to help me do some research on something I was curious about." I stammered out. I didn't want to tell Prince that I was researching the chemical reactions that cause emotions.

          "Oh?" Prince begins to enter my room, making me stumble backwards, "And what are you researching? Something interesting?" 

          I begin to panic, noticing that my sketch book is open, and on one of the pages where I have a more life like sketch of Prince. I try to stammer out something, but I feel my lungs begin to shut down. I begin hyperventilating, not wanting to be pressed into a tight space with Prince.

          Thankfully, Prince notices that I'm beginning to have a panic attack and quickly stops his predator like stalk towards me and carefully begins a softer approach.

          "Hey, Anx? Relax, I'm not going to do anything, okay?" Prince says softly. I can barely process his words, as my vision begins to blur, my head feeling light from lack of oxygen.

          It's not long before I'm in Prince's lap, and he's rubbing my back, whispering soft assurances that I'll be okay in my ear. I don't remember what happens after that, but the next moment I remember is waking up in his room.

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