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!!!!Trigger warning: Mentions of self-harm!!!!

          I giggled to myself as I thought about how jealous Roman had been of Logan. As if I'd let Virgil be around Logan alone if he liked him. He's my precious emo son and I'd never put him in that kind of torture. As I headed up to Logan's room I felt my heart flutter a bit. Prince and Virgil seemed to be catching onto the fact that my crush on Logan was growing, but I couldn't quite tell where Logan's feelings were. I knock on Logan's door, not wanting to startle them. As the door swings open I see a panting Logan and a Virgil in the corner, shirtless and in shorts, staring at his knees in the corner.

             "Is everything okay in here kiddos?" I ask timidly, realizing how far down Logan's shirt is unbuttoned. I'm really hoping that this isn't what I think it is.

             "Well," Logan starts as he adjusts his glasses, "we were testing how the our bodies would react when we were out of our comfort zones of clothing around each other, obviously this is as much as I am comfortable with, but Virgil decided that he wanted to push his boundaries and..." Logan trails off, as if unsure what to say.

             All of a sudden, Logan has my wrist and is pulling me into the room until we're next to Virgil. Logan taps his knees, only for a tear stained Virgil to blankly look up at us. Logan nods his head and Virgil straightens his legs, leaving me to gasp in horror. All along his legs were thin white lines, not all of them old, that Logan and I both knew could only mean one thing. I struggle to come up with words, until I settled on a single word.

             "Why?" I whisper. 

             It seems this word seems to trigger something in him, because his eyes all of a sudden fill with heated anger and hatred that was barely constrained.

             "Why?" Virgil spits out, "Because these are from when you all ignore me for days on end and then get borderline angry whenever I show up. Logic and Prince have always thinly veiled their disgust with me, which obviously isn't going to go away anytime soon, and for the longest time I thought you were just too nice to show me your hatred for my existence, since all I ever do is hurt Thomas. This is the only way I've ever been able to cope with all of the hatred and disgust thrown at me from you guys, which didn't even begin to let up until we filmed the video that explained my existence and even then it didn't do much. And now, you guys are going to hate me even more all because I'm a pathetic waste of space with no actual reason to exist!"

             Before I could say anything to my precious emo son, who obviously needed a really big hug, lots of cookies, and a frick ton of love, Logan scooped him up bridal style and started walking out of the door. Virgil is obviously flustered with the way he was being manhandled, especially right after his small rant, but is unsure what to do. I realized that Logan was bringing us down to the commons, where Prince already was.

             I could see the jealousy flash through Romans eyes until he sees my face, which I assumed is still troubled. Logan sets Virgil on his chair, only to stand beside him with his arms crossed.

           "What's going one here? Why is Virgil practically naked? Why is Logan dish-" Prince starts off, until he lands on Virgil's face. It's obvious to me that there is something going on here, but I'm unsure. I know Virgil has a crush on Prince, and if earlier is anything to go by, Prince likes him back, but I just don't know.

          "Patton, I need you to find us all a bonding ritual of some sort, because if Virgil hurts himself again, I'm putting him under watch." Logan demands, making a shiver go down all of our backs. Last time that happened, Prince was miserable. 

           "Okay, give me a couple minutes." I respond.

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