A new promise

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In an apartment in Japan the voice of a small child who just have had his entire world destroyed. "M-mom? C-can I become a hero like him?" a young izuku Midorya asked while staring at an old clip of the debute of a certain hero. When Inko looked at him she saw a face filled with tears and despair, the only thing she wanted to do was to help him, her son to achieve his goal. "Of course you can become a hero, you will just have to work harder." she responded. After hearing those words Izuku brightened up a bit, happy to have someone believing in him and supporting him.

The next 10 years he worked hard, harder than anyone else. He trained and became incredibly strong for his age, in addition he was a master in various martial arts. He also studied on the sideline and became the top student of his school. Izuku also worked on making equipment like a multipurpose staff, small bombs with different properties in addition he worked on several weapons and fighting equipment. The first times the results of all his training showed was when he confronted his former friend turned bully at the age of 8. 

"Just give up Deku. You need a quirk to become a hero, everybosy knows that!" Katsuki Bakugo said while smiling down on his victim. "I think its time to show you whe-""Shut up Kacchan!" Izuku suddenly shouted, stunning the bully for a moment. "I will not be your punching bag anymore! I will become a hero and you can't stop me!" Katsuki just stood there shocked until a smile grew on his face as he saw an opputunity to punch som sense into his former friend. 

"I really need to show you your place before you are hurt." He said before attacking Izuku with his quirk, but Izuku was ready for this and dodged his right hook. "What the-" was the last words Katsuki uttered before being pushed down into the ground, locked in place. "I said I will not be your punching bag Kacchan, someone needs to teach you a lesson" Izuku calmly said before releasing his old friend and just walked a way, leaving a wordless Bakugo in his place. From this point forward the bullying slowed down, but never stopped, they kept on pushing him down even if they couldn't do it physically. Despite all of his hardships it still looked like he could do it and become the first quirkless hero. That was until one faithfull day when he met his idol.

"It's not possible kid." All Might stated bluntly "You should look for another profession, like a police officer." Izuku couldn't believe what he was just told. He had asked his idol the most important question in his life hoping for to hear the five words he have so desperately wanted to hear, but no. Izuku just fell to his knees staring with an empty expression as his entire life have just been uprooted.

"I'll leave you here. The people downstairs will probably open the door for you. I have to leave now and deliver this villain to the police. Have a good day." That was the last words All Might told him before jumping away 'Damn! I almost revealed my true form to that kid. I don't want any more people knowing about it than necessary' The hero thought to himself as he flew through the air. Meanwhile Izuku was left there to reconsider his entire life.

Izuku made it down later in the day and was walking around in his own thoughts about, well everything his life, his decision and what All Might told him. 'Why can't I get one person to tell me I can do it, I just want one more voice amongst everyone who says it can't be done. Apparently the sludge villian escaped and had to be defeated again. Why does everything I touch fall apart? My dream, my hopes and my friendship.' Izuku stood there for a moment before tunring another way. 'I know where I need to go'

Meanwhile a worried All Might looked for a green haired kid so he could apologise for his behaviour. "Where did that kid go? I swear I saw him going this way."

Izuku looked over Dagobah Municipal Beach Park and all the mountains of trash. The ocean currents carried a lot of trash here and the residents abused this to illegally throw they're own garbage. Izuku used this place to clear his mind when thing became frustrating, because he could recognise himself in this situation. Something once pure and beautiful tainted by years of people throwing they're shit at it. Right now however he needed to vent some steam.

A few birds suddenly flew away as a scream filled with anger and frustration could be heard soon accompanied by the sound of someone trying to punch a microwave into pieces. "WHY DOES EVERYONE ALWAYS OPPOSE ME, PUSH ME INTO THE GROUND, DISCOURAGE ME, TEL ME IT CAN'T BE DONE!? I just need one voice, one person to say I can do it. IS THAT TO MUCH TO ASK FOR!? IS IT!?" Izuku then threw the ruined microwave into the ocean. The currents immediately carried it back to the beach.

Izuku sat down as he began to cry and talk with a muffled voice. "Why is the world so unfair? Kacchan has a great quirk for a hero, so they ignore everything negative about him, just so he can become a hero. While I'm pushed into the earth just because I want to help people, to be a hero. Why? Just because I don't have a quirk? I have worked ten times harder than anyone to get where I need to be, but nobody gets it. Then there's All Might, I looked up to him, trusted him and when I ask him the most important question in my life he just let's me down. I guess it's true that you should never meet your idols, cause they can't live up to your expectations." He took a deep breath before shouting at the top of his lungs "I HATE YOU!! I HATE YOU AND EVERYTHING YOU STAND FOR!" Right afterwards he went back to punching random garbage so he could let out his frustration.

"It's not fair, I have worked so hard just to get where I am now, but i keep on being turned down by the system. It needs to change and if no one else will change it I will have to do it myself. I will prove them wrong, I will become a hero and I will make him eat up his words and take them back, then I will make sure no quirkless people are ever turned down again. That is my promise. YOU HEAR ME!? THAT IS MY PROMISE!!"

In the background a tired Toshinori Yagi, better known as All Might stared on the young boy in front of him reconsidering his words. 'I feel bad for telling him that he couldn't be a hero, but he has to realise that it is dangerous without a quirk. Maybe I could have said it in a better way, but he caught me in a bad mood and almost made me use up my time. He will realise that it is impossible eventually, he has to.' He felt the familiar feeling of blood in his mouth as he coughed in his hand and saw some blood. 'I also need a sucessor, sooner rather than later, I don't know how much time I have left. He deffinetly won't cut it, not with that grudge and lack of heroic spirit.' Yagi then walked away before Izuku saw him.

A/N: There it is my first ever book and chapter on Wattpad. When this is published the next two chapters have already been written and the next one in progress. After these chapters have been released they will be released as they are finished. I plan on having this book be atleast 20-30 chapters long. Izuku will not get One for All at all and I'm still considering who will get it. When it comes to ships I'm not sure if I will include any ships, will probably hint at some though. Also when this book is completed I have other ideas for different books, all of them bnha related. Hope you enjoyed the chapter and have a lovely day. Bye.

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