A race to remember

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Rumors were going around class 1-A about who would teach them in homeroome since Aizawa was injured during the USJ incident. It is safe to say that nobody expected him to enter the door wrapped up like a mummy. "Aizawa are you all right!?" The class exclaimed "Yes I will survive now sit down and listen" Their teacher responded. "Now, something important is happening in two weeks. Despite the recent attack on UA, the principal has decided to have the sports festival as a show of a strenght. So the next two weeks will be dedicated for training towards the sports festival. Remember many pro heros attend the sports festival to scout for potential recruits. You will only get this chance three times in total while you attend UA so make them count. One more thing, if you want to use any support gear you need to send in an application. Class dismissed"

The entire class erupted as people showed their excitement for the upcoming festival. Some started planning for what they would do in the upcoming weeks. Especially Izuku who started a muttering storm that continued until Iida gave him a smal chop on the neck. "Huh? Was I muttering again?" Izuku asked "Yes you were. How do you even talk so fast, it's like an artform" Kaminari said "I'm sorry for disturbing, it just happens" said while nervously scrathing the back of his neck "Relax it's fine, we all have different ways to process information" Iida reassured him.

Later in the cantine the trio of Izuku, Uraraka and Iida where talking when Izuku asked something that had been on this mind "By the way, why do you want to become heros?" Iida got excited at this while Uraraka became slightly shameful. "My brother is the pro hero Ingenium and I want to become a hero like him. A hero that inspires and leads people" Iida said proudly. "Your brother is Ingenium!" Izuku exclaimed, letting out his inner fanboy. Immediatly he calmed down so he didn't draw to much attention towards himself. "Sorry, I just think he is a cool hero. Anyways I used to want to become a hero beacuse of All Might. The way he saves people with a smile and does it only out of a desire to do good. But I met him 11 months ago and that meeting changed that ambition. I still want to become a hero so that I can save people and make them feel safe, but also to prove that anyone can become a hero, that everybody has the potential. Thats my reason for becoming a hero. So Uraraka whats your reason?" 

When Izuku said this Uraraka looked away, ashamed for her reasons "Money" she said. "Thats nothing to be ashamed off. Everyone need to earn a living so why not do it by saving people" Iida said trying to cheer her up. "No it's not for me" She said "It's for my parents. My father has a building company and it's not doing so well beacuse of the competition. Thats why I wan t earn the money they need by becoming a hero" "Thats a good reason Uraraka! To help your parents, anyone would do that" Izuku said earning a smile from Uraraka.

Then Iida realised something. "Wait, Midoriya you said you met All Might 11 months ago. What happened I have noticed you not being particulary happy when he is around" Iida asked Izuku "Well he had just saved me from a villain and I had grasped a hold of his leg as he jumped. When we landed at a rooftop I asked him if I could be a hero even without a quirk. He said no and told me to consider another job before jumping away, leaving me broken. The funny thing is that when he talked with me after the USJ incident he still didn't really believe in me. So I will give my all at the sports festival so that I can reach the top and prove him wrong" Izuku replied making the other two shocked that All Might would say something like that to someone who looked up to him.

Later at the end of the day when class 1-A was supposed to exit the classroom they found a crowd filling up the hallway. "Out of may way extras!" Bakugo yelled making some people move away from the door "Stop calling people just beacuse you don't know them!" Iida said as he moved his arms up and down like a robot. "Just beacuse you fought villains doesn't make you better than us" Someone in the crowd said as he walked forward. It was one of the students from class 1-B, he had spiky silver hair similiar to that of Kirishima. "Class 1-A is so egotistical just beacuse you fought villains. We from class 1-B wil beat you and show you whos better" The boy said before leaving. After this announcement Bakugo also made his way out, pushing through the crowd. "I hope you don't think to badly of us beacuse of him, he has always been angry" Izuku said as he was about to leave the classroom, but was stopped by a boy with messy purple hair. "I guess not all in 1-A is bad. You know that based on the result of the sports festival they will consider moving students from the other courses into the hero cours. Meaning they will also have to move people out. I'm here with a decleration of war from the other courses towards the hero course" he announced before also leaving. The rest of the crowd also walked away after a while so that the students of 1-A could go home.

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