We held our signs high and our heads higher, our voices strong and loud. We will not be silent. We could not be silent. Justice was the priority. Love, peace, freedom from oppression. Respect. R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Thank you, Aretha Franklin.
I read as many signs as I could as I walked by.
"Love, not hate makes America great."
"Girls just wanna have fundamental human rights."
A little boy wearing a pink hat was holding a sign that said, "my little sister is home with the flu, so I'm marching for her FUTURE."
"Tweet others as you would want to be Tweeted." This made me laugh.
"Boys will be boys held accountable." (The second "boys" was crossed out.")
"Without Hermione, Harry would've died in book 1."
"Men of quality do not fear Equality."
"The power of the people is stronger that the people in power."
"Don't fashion me into a maiden that needs saving by a dragon! I am the dragon and I will eat you whole."
Each sign held a message. We will not be ignored. We cannot be ignored.
My father and brother were unable to attend in Washington, but they joined those marching in Charlottesville. I could feel their spirits marching besides us.
Like Cville, there were many other smaller marches scattered throughout America. Throughout the world!
That sort of unity one doesn't forget.
The feeling of being a part of something, something big, was incredible. I have never felt such a feeling since.
I truly believe we will overcome.
The Women's March (a memoir)
RandomThis is something I wrote for a class and decided to post it. This is my experience at the Women's March. Warning: This is stuffed with feminism so if you're not into that kind of thing.... Thank you for reading. (I do not own any of the videos.)