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I see masks everywhere.


Masks to hide behind.

Masks to hide the bitter truths.

Masks that make you blind.

The glue is so tight.

Hiding them, 

Hiding all.

Masks that they are afraid to take off,

Pretending is an art that is second nature to them.

True, they give an impression that they are all secure,

That everything is sunny with them and life is to savor.

All you don't see,

Unless you get really near...

That they are not alright.

Their eyes are dark and deep enough for you to stand in.

Hiding the hurt,

Hiding the pain,

Hiding the tears that fall like rain.

Their skin is on fire.

They burn from within.

The calm on their face is an ongoing sin.

But please don't believe them,

Oh please help them find,

Find the truth beneath the lies,

Find the face behind.

The world must stay out.

They have built up a wall.

Their fragile lie will collapse should it ever fall.

They need your hand,

Even when they say it's the last thing they want.

They need you to say those soothing words when silence is all they flaunt.

Loneliness consumes them.

It eats away the years.

Until their life is swallowed by unending fears.

Waiting for someone to see them wear a mask...

And care enough to remove it.

So when it's the same old, phony, rubbish song they are playing...

Just try to hear those words that they are not saying.

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