Chap 5 Hello School

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Chap 5 Hello School


"Of course not she's just my friend and I date her we are here at the grocery since we would like to buy some stuff" he said.

"Noona! How sad your face is covered by Jeoung ang Woo in the television" Yoon Ho said.

My mom was packing up my lunch she then said "It's been a week but they still won't get over it.. I know they wont recognize you in school since master Ju Kyung said you are his friend."

.... I then reminisce what we had done after what he said in media...

[we walked fast and got out of the mall. We are really quiet when we got into the limousine and when they dropped me infront of my house I said. "Thank you very much for dropping me off. I'm sorry for the troubled I've caused you all for today Jeoung and Woo said " You are not a trouble at all." "Uhm, is that so...but Ju Kyung are we really friends?" I asked. "Tush,It was an act your still my assistant." I feel a pain inside :(]

"Stupid!" I thought but didn't notice I said it loudly.

"Huh?" Mom was surprised

"Ah! No no nothing!"



"Okay then... Good luck on your first day..Fighting!Aja Aja!"

I smiled and gave my mom a hug

"I promise to do my best. I won't disappoint you. Yoon Ho let's go.." :D

I went outside my house.

"Good morning classmate" Woo said as he opened the door for my brother and me. It was a Yukon GMC.

"Wow really big fourwheel drive it's so cool" my brother said

"Thanks" he replied

As I enter I saw Jeoung I sat beside him and I notice Ju Kyung wasn't there.

"Where is sunbae Ju Kyung" my brother asked

"He's not here since he doesn't feel like what a school bus should be..." Jeoung covered he's mouth and continued "I'm sorry but what I mean to say is.."

"No it's fine I understand riding in a new car of yours would really distract him if it's crowded. He isn't that close to people so I understand. I know him a lot better now"


"Wow! It's so huge!" My brother was so surprised he took a picture. I took away the camera from his hand

"Yah! Why are bringing a camera in school?" I asked

"Noona! Don't be a kill joy.. I'm in grade 6 now capturing moment's from first days is fun!" He took the camera away from my hand and run I tried to catch up with him but I'm quiet shy to make new students sibling issues on the firstday of class I spoke out loud and said

"Be careful or you'll be scolded by your teacher ..what do we call it violation?" I laughed he stop and run back to me.

"If that's so.." he handled me the camera and said "You take it."

"Uhm, excuse me. Little brother you don't need to worry as long as we are friends it's okay my father is a President in this school." Woo said "You keep it" ...

"Geez, Woo why would you tolerate such a kids act what if he loses it?" I said

"You know what she's right." Ju Kyung clapped he was there coming to us "atleast you said something sensible"

"I promise I won't lose it!" Yoon ho knelt down

"Hey!" I said I brought him up

"what are you doing? You're making your uniform dirty its your firstday" I said

"Please Noona!" Yoon Ho said

"Ah alright, alright"

"Thank you!" ... he run fast and shouted " I love you Noona! Good Luck! I'll be heading now to the registrar to get my schedule and map"

"You still gave it?" Ju Kyung said

"Let it be" Jeoung replied

First thing I do 45 minutes before class starts at eight. I took all our schedule, school materials and got some coffee from the canteen. It was really huge it looked like a restaurant and I found them there sitting in theire chairs. The both said thanks but for Ju Kyung nothing.

When classes started this was more of the teachers introduction sentences "Today all of us shall introduce our names."

As the bell rang for break time I saw a girl she was somewhat like a nerd she tapped me and said "Hi are you new here ?"

"Yes I am"

"Oh how I'm glad to meet you. You are the assistant of the Kim brother's right?"

"Yes, please to meet you too. Who are you then?" I asked and gave her a smile


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