14•Naked talk

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•Davina Alexander•

My chest hurt at his words, what does it mean we need to talk? If he wants me to tell him everything I really don't want to, not right now but I know if he asks I'll give in.

"A-About?" I asked digging my nails in my thighs.

He half-smiled "Nothing bad, I just want your permission"

I felt better hearing his words "My permission, for what?"

He leaned on the table looking into my eyes and then motioned for me come closer with his hand so I leaned on the table too, just a couple of inches away from his face "I want to make you mine tonight"

A smile played on my lips. I'm not scared of giving myself away to him because I know he cares, I know he won't hurt me but most importantly, he asked...

"I want you to tell me if you're ready or if you want to wait" his eyes never stopped looking into mine.

"I'm ready," I whispered "I was going to-" he interrupted me with a soft kiss.

"Hush, no more talking about it until tonight, okay?"

I nodded "Okay" my smile grew.

Diavolo made every subject a safe place for me, he knows how I react when something touches my psychological wounds. He read the menu for me, and I couldn't help but smile; he has so much patience when it comes to me and what I can do and cannot do.

"Thank you" I whispered looking at him.

He grinned "A pleasure, bunny. What did you like?"

I hummed thinking about it "I think pasta Alfredo, that sounds tasty"

Diavolo nodded raising his hand so the waiter came to take our order. The nice young boy looked at me first which Diavolo didn't like.

"Eyes on me, boy," he said sternly.

I tried not to smile "I'm sorry sir," the boy said scared.

Diavolo sighed "Bunny, you want the pasta Alfredo and a lemonade?"

I nodded "Please"

He hummed in response "And I'll have the Spaghetti aglio e olio" then he handed both of our menus to the boy.

"Right away, Mr. DeLuca," the waiter said before walking away.

"I love being the boss," Diavolo said with a smirk on his face.

"I'm the boss," I said jokingly and gained a cocked up eyebrow from him "I'm not the boss" I giggled blushing.

He smiled "Cutie, I love it when you try to be tough"

"I am tough" I whined "am I not?"

His smile grew "the toughest and strongest girl I've ever met, if one day you're 100% mine I will be honored"

The words coming out of his mouth made me smile "100% yours?" I asked.

Diavolo nodded "My wife but we don't have to talk about it baby, I know how marriage has been to you"

I gulped "Yo-you want me to be your wife?"

He smiled softly looking into my eyes "One day, bunny, don't worry I won't rush anything"

It excites me that he thinks of me that way, it makes me feel like I'm worth it "I would love to be your wife...one day"

For the rest of dinner, we talked about the subject, in a very light tone though, nothing serious we just joked about how our wedding would be and where it would take place and at the end of every phrase we would say 'one day'. I do want to take things slow with Diavolo because I don't want to have a breakdown but at the same time, I already want to have a family with him.

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