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Wirt never really cared about Halloween.
Sure you would get free candy, but he just always has had bad luck on this day.
Whether it would rain so his makeup would run or he would drop all of his candy in the mud; needless to say he was fine when he couldn't trick or treat anymore.
But his bad luck didn't stop with trick-or-treating.
Nine years ago his father left him on Halloween, as well as last year he and his brother took a... trip, to what was called the Unknown.
And they almost died.
Many times.
So when Wirt was told he had to take his brother trick-or-treating, he was less than thrilled.

"Mom, you know I don't like Halloween!" He complained over the phone.

"Wirt, we would take Greg trick-or-treating instead if we could, but work just won't let us go till late tonight."

"Are you sure there is no way you could come home sooner?"

"No honey."

Wirt sighed, "Ok fine, I'll take him."

Wirt could hear his step-father in the background. "Tell them to stay away from the woods!"

"I heard him mom, we'll stay away from the woods...."

"Ok honey, love you."

"Love you too mom, bye." Wirt hung up the phone and sighed, they hadn't planned on going into the woods in the first place but now they just couldn't stop getting warned about it.

Greg came into the kitchen dressed up completely in green, Jason hopping after him. "Wirt! How do you like my frog costume?"

Wirt nodded, at least his brother liked Halloween. "It's nice Greg. So you ready to go? I'm taking you trick-or-treating."

Greg thought for a second "I'm ready, but you're not! You need a costume!"

"I don't need a costume Greg, I'm just taking you around the block."

"But Wirt, it's Halloween! You have to wear a costume! Here you can be a elephant, you are great at elephant noises!" Greg went into the cabinet and pulled out the tea kettle he used for his elephant costume last year and went to hand it to Wirt.

"I am not going be a elephant Greg."

"But you would be a great elephant!" Greg tried to put the kettle on Wirt's head, so Wirt started straightening up and leaning back but after a minute, Wirt stumbled backwards and fell over.

Greg put the kettle onto Wirt's head "Haha, now you have your elephant hat on! Now make a elephant noise!"

Wirt smiled. "Pfvvvt."

"Hm, you need to sound a bit happier."

Wirt took the kettle off. "Well maybe I shouldn't be an elephant then."

"Yeah, you should be a gnome again!"

Wirt looked at Greg for a second. "How about we just go."


Frog Greg and Gnome Wirt walked through their suburban neighborhood, stopping at every house with a light on so Greg could get some tasty candy.

At the moment Wirt thought Halloween was okay.
Nothing horrible has happened yet, but he was waiting for it. Enough Halloween's has started out smooth before candy was ruined or knees scraped.
But Greg looked joyful, he was getting lots of candy.

Wirt stood at the end of the driveway watching Greg ring the doorbell when he heard someone call his name.

"Wirt? Is that you?"

Wirt turned to see a familiar blue haired girl dressed as a witch, as well as a spiky haired boy dressed as a zombie.

"Hey Coraline, Norman."

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