Chapter 3-FAMILY

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I would like to dedicate this chapter to Harypotersbigestfan.

She gave me ideas for Devin's personality and character.

I don't know who made the 5th vote, so I can't dedicate it to them. If you make the last vote, the final vote, please post in the comments.


We will try for 10 votes this time. Its a lot but I know we can do it!


"Ari!Ari!"said Alice, snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"Sorry Alice. Spacing out I guess."I said looking at myself in the mirror.

I had given myself sky blue eyeshadow, faint pink lips, and light curls in my hair, through my shape shifting.

I was wearing a ice blue sundress and no shoes. (A/N The dress sort of looks like that)

"Rosalie, What do you think?"said Alice as she twirled me around.

"She looks like a doll."said Rosalie softly.

The doorbell rang.

"Ari! Devin is here."I heard Emmett scream.

"Great. Man-ape is here to embarrass me."I said and raced downstairs.

Emmett was in the middle of telling Devin about the time my bikini slipped when I reached the door.

"Ari?You look- Wow."He said in that gorgeous voice of his.

"My sisters got hold of me."I said giggling.

"Ari, don't forget the condom!"Emmett said over his shoulder as he walked towards the stairs.

"I'm sorry for Emmett."I said taking his hand and leading him inside.

"It's okay. I think your family is cool."He said, looking around.

"I guess. What do you want to do?"I said softly, sitting down on the couch.

"Why not questions? I ask you one and you ask me one?And we promise to be truthful."He said, sitting next to me.

"Uh sure. You first."I said nervously. What if he guessed about...

"Age?"he said interrupting my thoughts.

"17.Um... Favorite color?"he said.

"Blue. Ice blue."he said smiling. He so likes me!

"Favorite sibling?"he said.

"Definitely Renesmee. She is my true sister after all."I said giggling.

We continued like this for a little bit, laughing and joking.

"Are you a angel or supernatural?"He said jokingly.

I hesitated.

He smiled, his gorgeous smile, and said softly,"I am. A vampire I mean."

"Really?"I said, as he popped out his contacts. His eyes were really gold. They were even more beautiful then his hazel contacts.

"Wow... Well I'm immortal too, but I'm not a full vampire..or human... or werewolf."I said gently.

"What are you then?"He said cupping my face.

"I'm half werewolf, a quarter human, a quarter vampire."I said. I looked into his eyes and realized why I loved him so much.

I had imprinted on him.

"Thats.. amazing."He said.

'Um.. Devin... I well... imprinted on you..."I said slowly.

He leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I felt like I was flying high above everything else.

"Does that answer your questions?"he said softly.

"Yes boyfriend."I smiled.

"Time to officially meet the family."I said.

He looked.. frightened?

"They don't bite!"I said giggling as I dragged him into the kitchen.

The whole family was sitting in there, talking softly.

"Ari. You imbecile. Why would you tell him..."said Edward as he realized Devin was a vampire.

"I'm Carlisle."said my great grandpa.

"And I'm Esme."said my great grandma.

"What's your power?"Renesmee asked curiously.

"I am a total shield, from physical and mental attacks. And it's nice to meet you."he said softly.

"Wow. A total shield. That means you are invincible."said Esme.

"Leave my daughter alone you hear?"growled Jake, who had been behind the vampires.

"What? Your daughter?"Devin said.

"I am the daughter of Renesmee and Jake. Renesmee's parents are Bella and Edward. Everyone else isn't genetically related."I said.

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