Chapter 8

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Roselyn Evans

If someone would have told me that today was going to be worse than yesterday I would have laughed at them, but then I remembered that yesterday wasn't that bad.

My skin burns, like my heart is pumping lava instead of blood and my skin is covered in fire instead of hair. I also feel so gross from the sweat that is coming off me; I had no idea I could swear this much.

Everyone except Hayden's touch burns. As if my skin wasn't already burning enough their touch felt like I had sat outside in the 40 degrees below winter night for an hour and decided to take a hot bath. Though at the moment I wish it were that cold because maybe then I'd be able to cool off.

Not to mention the burning, I also had my cramps. My cramps have never felt this bad in my life, it's like my cramps took steroids that took steroids. I'm not sure if that made sense, but as of now nothing to me makes sense.

I wish I hadn't kicked Hayden off the bed because his touch is soothing. He's so gentle with me. They way he holds me is like he's scared to crush me. I have to admit though, he is larger than me in every way possible. I'm 5 foot something and he probably has more than a good foot on me.

Hayden was also very much blessed with god like looks. Black hair some how manages to always look good even if he doesn't run a quick hand through it. His green eyes are bright and full of life except for when he's angry. His eyes turn a dark green- almost black while he's angry and trust me when I say you'd never want to be on the receiving end of one his deadly glares.

Goddess bless that man. His face literally looks like she had decided to bless the earth and chisel his face perfectly just for us. And I can't help but thank her for pairing me up with him. Not only that but Hayden's tan skin makes him look even more fit than he already is. All of his shirts show just how fit he is. If you think otherwise you're wrong.

The one thing I can say though is he had very poor choice in woman before me. The only ex of his I've met is April, but that is a prime example.

She is a hot headed red head, that's for sure. Though unlike me, she has no freckles. I find that odd seeing that red heads usually have freckles.

Wait, makeup. Right. She wears a frick ton of that stuff. Though she's good at it and sometimes I wish I had that skill. I can't even draw a stick man let alone put on eyeliner.

"Here's some food." Eva comes in with a mountain of food.

Uhhh... I won't be able to eat all of that.

"We'll share, I'm starving." She smiles then sets the tray on the bed beside me.

I'm drained of energy and it's only 11 in the morning, so when I say it took all my might to sit up you better believe me. Not only that but I had to move my arms to eat? I'm starting to think I'm not very hungry.

"I remember my first heat. I was so lazy and didn't want anyone near me." Eva begins, "The only person to come close to me was my mate, Bree. She had gone through her heat days before but for some reason I didn't until hers one done. No ones really heard of that before but I guess it's a thing for female wolves to go into heat one after the other."

"Your mates a girl? Awesome! Why haven't I met her?"

"Someone took her. Trust me when I say I haven't felt weaker than I have these past five years." My heart drops.

Eva's soulmate was taken from her at the age of 17.

"She's alive, I can feel it. If she wasn't I'd probably be with her. Our bond is still there and if she were to die I'd know. I'd ask Hayden to kill me to send me back to her. I don't think I could live in a world where she isn't alive."

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