Late Night (Woojin)

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It was 3 am and you had snapped out of your sleep again. Everytime it was because of the same reoccurring nightmare, The first time you decided to try and brush it off and go back to sleep but when it came again you didn't bother even trying to go back to sleep . You didn't want to go through seeing such a horrible nightmare yet again.

Yea, Woojin was here . But you didn't want to wake him up and be a bother. He was exhausted from practice today and had even gone to sleep early .So you didn't want him losing sleep all to deal with you.

You take it upon yourself to slowly and gently move his arms from around your waist before laying it gently beside him . You try to get out of bed as quietly as possible before taking a small blanket and wrapping it around yourself before heading down to the kitchen .

Maybe a small snack would get the horrible nightmare out of you're head and you could try to sleep again after. You begin opening and closing multiple drawers and cabinets and look in the fridge for something to eat . There was left overs so you put them together on a plate and popped it in the microwave for a good minute .

While the food was heating up you started closing the Tupperware to put the rest of food back and put the utensils you used to make your plate into the sink .


The microwave was going off because the timer you put on had ended . You rushed to quickly open the door so it would stop . You swear it's as if everything is louder when you're supposed to be quiet and it's 3 in the damn morning .

You take out your plate and quietly shut the microwave door back . " Stupid loud ass microwave-" you curse to yourself .

You turn to the dish rack full of clean dishes to get a fork to eat when Woojin is standing in the door frame in front of you .

"-AHH!! Woojin! What the heck !?"

"Ah~Shh.y/n? Why are you down here ...especially so late .Why aren't you in bed." His eyes are still slightly squinting because of the small kitchen light you had on. He outstretches his arms before slowly trudging over to you .

" I heard what I'm now guessing was the microwave and it woke me up . I saw you weren't there so I came down to see . What are you doing ?" He rubbed his eyes as he leaned his body against the counter and stood right in front of you.

" Ugh, it was the stupid microwave. Sorry I just had a bad dream and couldn't sleep , so I just wanted to get something to eat and maybe get it off my mind. Sorry." You apologize for waking him.

" Why didn't you wake me up and tell me ? You usually always wake me up if you ever had a nightmare or something." His voice was deep and weary as he spoke .

"I just.. didn't want to wake you up this time ...I knew you were probably drained from practice today and I didn't want to be a bother. I'm fine down here on my own . You can go back upstairs to sleep-"

"I wouldn't think of it as a bother,haha. You wake me up because you're scared. I don't mind it at all. Especially since all it takes is a few cuddles and kisses to help you get back to sleep." He smiled and kissed your head gently.His eyes turning into the happiest little crescents as he smiled. " So are you actually going to eat this and then go to bed ?" He gestured to the small plate of food you had just prepared for yourself. To be honest , you didn't feel like eating anymore since Woojin was here to take you to bed and help you sleep.

You shook your head and told him you weren't in the mood for it anymore. He helped you pack it away and put it back into the fridge before you both trailed upstairs and back to your room.

As soon as you laid on your side of the bed and lifted the covers up over you , Woojin pulled you close to him. Making you get all flustered for a second since you were facing him and you were only inches apart if that. "Ahh , you're so cute when you're flustered." He points out, which makes you feel even more shy and nervous and want to bury your red cheeks into his chest .

He caressed your cheek with a warm smile plastered on his face before resting his arm around your waist. " Lay any way you want ,hun. I'll be right here with you. And don't hesitate to wake me up this time if you have a nightmare again or if you're still feeling scared okay?" His voice was soft and quiet .

You don't hesitate to put one of your legs across his and lean over a bit so you were laying on his chest and had and arm across him. You felt the most comfortable laying on his chest and just listening to his heart beat .Yea it was cliché, but it kept your mind busy rather than reminiscing on any bad dream you had just had. Woojin kept the his arm around you're waist and just tightened his hold around you a little.

"Goodnight Woojin , thank you for always taking care of me." You whisper.

"Goodnight,y/n. And I'll always be here to do exactly that. Take care of my princess and keep her happy ." He let out a big sigh before he started tracing little shapes on your back until you fell asleep.


A/n- can I JUS SAY FHIS COMEBACK IS EXTRAVAGANT KANWKCIWOFJOX. This whole album jus makes me so happy like ughhhh I love it. i am YOU is a bop and my second fav would def have to be Get Cool and N/S cause NAKCKSK GHE RAP IN N/S IS AMAZINFGGG . And can I also add that Jisung and Changbin are looking ESPECIALLY handsome these days ?? Like I say my bias is Hyunjin but damn is it rly ?? Lmao I'm on the verge of switching lanes 😂😩😭

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