Carnival (Felix)

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" I went on that ride and almost died all because you wanted me to. I hope your satisfied." He said linking your hand in his as you walked away from the ride you had just ridden.

"It was fun what do you mean ? It's not my fault you were scared -"

"Aye! I-I wasn't scared ! I rode it didn't I?" He said defensively. His small stutter proved youre theory correct but you knew he was trying to act all big and brave so you decided to let him be. "You got a point there."

You and Felix had rode quite a few rides since being at the carnival so you just walked around for a bit instead.It was getting dark anyway from the sun slowly setting and all the vibrant lights of the rides and booths were finally coming on .

You and Felix continue to walk hand in and and past all the booths and look at all the different games being played by people trying to win prizes. It was at one booth you spotted a huge teddy bear propped up in the back. " What's the game for that one ?! Aw it's prob so hard with a bear that big." You sigh but still drag Felix along with you to the booth just to see what game is being played for such an amazing prize.

"Definitely a hard one." You say to yourself watching the people attempt to throw rings on the tops of the empty metal bottles and get one to stay . The line you had to stand behind to throw wasn't too far away, but it was far enough that it made getting a ring on a bottle near impossible.

"It doesn't seem that bad , I'm gonna try it." Felix says giving the man at the booth 5 dollars for 5 rings . He gives you two and you try and make them count and hope some ounce of luck gets to one of them so you were at least partially getting there . To get the bear you needed to get 3 rings on successfully.Doesn't matter if you got them all in a row , just 3 at some point and the man behind the booth would keep track if you told him .

"We need to get 3 to get the bear , it's too hard . We'll be here all night if we keep this up , and probably still not even win." You watch Felix toss the last ring he had and it jump from top to top and fall in between the bottles.

" Only a few more times , I just want to try and get it for you. If I don't then we'll just leave and go on a ride or something." He says handing the man 5 more dollars in exchange for 5 more rings. This time , he really tried to make every one count and give it his all even if it did up up just falling in between and not landing on top.

His few more slowly turned into more than you were expecting ,and it was at this point that you didn't so much care about the bear anymore but the fact that Felix really might end up cleaning out his entire wallet all for this bear . During his many attempts though, he did manage to get on 2 rings successfully but that was awhile ago.

" Let's go.~ . You've tried enough , keep on playing and your wallets gonna scream . Let's go on a ride ." You beg  and tug his arm and pull him away but he doesn't even flinch. He held  up the last three rings right in front of your face and pouts his lips and looks at you with innocent eyes .

"Just these last ones ,babe . Then I promise we'll go.Last ones .I only need 1 more ring to win ." He was practically begging you to let him stay and seemed more upset about the bear than you.

His last two rings happened to be fails and he was down to one . If this didn't work , then he knew he was done. He ran his hand through his hair and let out a deep sigh and just held the ring in his hand and watch the others throw their own rings for a second.

Watching all of the others as well , You spotted a boy who looked a little older than you and Felix . He had a little girl with him who you assumed was his little sister , who had a small fluffy stuffed puppy in her arms that you had watched him win for her earlier.

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