Worried (Chan)

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You were out late with your friends at a football game . It got rained out because it was raining so hard yet the players continued to play because there was no thunder or lightening, only rain. You are your friends  tried to spectate as long as you could till your friend Jennie started complaining about her hair being drenched .

You followed the crowd inside of the school to where it was actually dry.

" Bruhhh!My shoes !Are! GONEEu,RUINED-!" Lisa screamed as she looked at her white shoes that were now soaked with rain water and had slight dirt stains all over from stepping in the dirty puddles .

" Damnnn. Those are definitely trash now ." You joke , but she glares at you in a way that lets you know she's not playing and ready to snap your neck.

" Okay so forgetting about the shoes , The game is almost done anyway and it's not like we can still watch . How about we go out to the Town Centre shopping area and just chill with everyone else there ?"Jennie suggested .

" Yeah, Im down."

"Ouuu yes! And I think Yuqi and Irene are going to be there too !" Lisa says as if she wasn't just bawling and devastated  about her shoes a few seconds ago.

You check the time in the car  and it's almost 1 in the morning when Jennie drops you off at home .

You slowly put the key in the front door lock trying to keep quiet but it immediately swings open as soon as you do . You look up to see an angry and intimidating Chan hovering over you in the door frame .

You quickly walk in and he closes the door behind you and you lean against it . " y/n where were you ?!Do you know h-"

"I was at the game like I told you . What's wrong with that ?" You try to walk away but he grabs your wrist .

"Untill 1 in the damn morning ,really?! Just tell me where you really were! You could've at least texted me." He shouts . You have no choice but to feel as though his mind is in the gutter and he probably thinks you were cheating on him or something.Which wasn't the case at all.

" It was raining so we didn't want to stand in the rain and watch the game anymore , so we went to the Town Centre to eat and hang out with everyone else.Thats it..." You day blandly before feeling a tight embrace wrap around your body.

"Y/n I was so worried and angry at the thought that something might have happened to you . Why didn't you at least tell me ? I tried to text you and call so many times ." He whispered into your shoulder .You couldn't see his face but it was obvious he was crying.

" My phone died cause of all the rain messing it up. I'm -I'm sorry I didn't tell you . I didn't really think about it since I already told you about going to the game. I didn't mean to make you worry about me ." You explain and Chan now has his arms relaxed around your waist. You see how stressed he looks and you feel bad for all the trouble you've probably put him through.  You wait for him to say something but he simply stares are your face with comfort in his eyes .

" Just please let me know next time okay? I promise , I'm not angry at all I was just really worried that's all ." He cups your face and presses a soft kiss on your temple. You smile and nod before slipping away from his embrace and heading upstairs , all for you to hear the sound of his footsteps following you . As soon as you feel him close enough , you quickly spin round and through your arms around his neck .

" Can we cuddle and watch a movie ? It's late anyway and a good time to get all cozy under the blankets. And can you please make the good hot chocolate you always make , with the little marshmallows too , cause it's cold -" You beg before your soon cut off.

" It's not cold , You're cold cause you're still in these wet clothes." He glares at your almost dripping jacket and your soaked hair. "But we can still watch a movie and cuddle after , you change out of these soaked clothes." He spins you around so you're facing forward again and he pushes you all the way into your room.

He shoves you in the bathroom so you can take off the wet clothes and he'll give you something dry to put on.Before he can full close the door you stop him and lean in close to his face.

"Are you still gonna make the hot chocolate though?" You pout while tilting your head to the side .

" Yes,"he laughs , "Now hurry up and change , if you stay in those clothes any longer you'll get sick -" . And with that he shuts the door.

"And I'll be having to give you more than just hot chocolate." You hear him say from outside the door.

Minutes later you step out of the bathroom with the clothes he had given you. A pair of warm fluffy pants and one of his shirts. Not that there was anything to complain about , but , you definitely weren't going to settle for just this.
" Only a T-shirt ?? Chan , I said I was cold.~"

" What do you mean ? What's wrong with that ? I thought you love those pants ..And I thought you liked wearing my shirts ?!." He looks at you unbothered as he sits up on the bed to see nothing wrong with what you're wearing.

" I do !, but can I get a please get a sweatshirt ?One of yours." You smirk as you plop down next to him on the bed and hug his arm .

" Are my cuddles not enough?" He looks you dead in the eye as if your answer will decide your fate of life or death.But you don't say a word but instead just make puppy dog eyes and pout your lips in hopes that's enough to get you want you want.

"-Fine." He groans before getting up and going to the closet to get one of his hoodies for you.He throws it from across the room and you waste no time throwing it over your head and shoving your arms through the sleeves that were slightly too long . "Ugh...And I can't even complain." He sighs.

" What do you mean ?" You look at yourself then at him to see if anything's wrong .

" You always ask to burrow my close and I can never bring my myself to ever say no because you always look so cute in them anyway . So how could I say no?" He smiles but soon turned around to hid his face  from embarrassment, you assumed he knew how red his face was turning. You couldn't help but get up and give him a big hug from behind before jumping onto his back so he now giving you a piggyback ride, which made him laugh.

"Movie and Hot Chocolate now ?" You lean your head on his shoulder and he starts carrying you out of the room.

" Hot chocolate after we cuddle for a bit . I missed you all day." You groan at his words.

"Then you're going to get to comfortable and you're not going to want to get up and make it ." You protested while he carefully made his way down the stairs ,being sure not to fall. He goes all the way down the stairs and into the kitchen without saying a word before putting you down on the counter .

" Fine , I'll make it first and then come cuddle with you. But can I at least get a kiss first he says leaving in and turning his cheek towards you. You remember the fact he missed you all day , so instead of a kiss on the cheek , you grab his face and give him a long and sweet kiss on his lips instead before hopping off the counter.

You skip into the living room and giggle to yourself before turning around on the couch to see Chan frozen in place with the reddest cheeks and the most bashful smile you've ever seen .

A/n- THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE POSTED LAST NIGHT but my phone wasn't working . Sorry guys 🤧

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