Himuro To The Rescue - Chapter 1

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Hello everyone, new update and this is going to be Himuro x Reader as requested so ENJOY ^_^

Himuro x Reader

You were walking to the Yosen sports hall with you boyfriend Himuro Tatsuya. You really adored him because he was the type who was always nice, and the type who listened to you.
Himuro: [name]-san are you going to watch up practise today?
[name]: yea sure *warm smile*

For a whole 2 hours you watched Yosen practise, sometimes looking at Murasakibara and sometimes Himuro. You stood up and walked out of the gym, Himuro spotted you walking out but turned back into practise. You came back in 10 minutes and it was a nice timing cause the team was resting.

[name]: Mina, i brought drinks for everyone!
Himuro: Thank you, [name]-san, i'm suprised that you can carry so many drinks *chuckle*
[name]: *pout* HUMPH, i seem small but i'm strong you know   *took a basket ball and shot a three pointer* YUSH
Himuro: Wow [name]-san i'm impressed *smile*

Everyone sat down and drank the drinks you bought, "thanks [name]" everyone shouted; then everyone went back to practise. It was late when the practise finished, everyone had left except himuro and Murasakibar and you.

Himuro: [name]-san, sorry i need to go some where, Atsushi could you take [name]-san home for me. Muraskibara: OOKAY Muro-Chin!

You was upset that Himuro these day had been ignoring you, it wasn't normal because Himuro had always been around you. You were walking home with Murasakibara AGAIN this was 5th time already in a row. It was really getting in your mind that Himuro might have got bored of you. You went into a sweet shop as usual, cause the purple haired giant wanted to buy sweets. You mind was blank, you couldn't think, and you just walked out of the shop, Murasakibara did not notice you were gone.

Walking down a dark, narrow street, with you mind blank and completely spacing out. Tears started running out your face, it was tears of sadness and heartbroken. "HEY GUYS, look what we have here, a small and cute school girl, guys i think we're going to have fun tonight." You snapped out and realized that you were surrounded by a bunch or perverted guys, and they were closing in. "i'm scared, i'm scared. someone please come and help me!!" They grabbed you and pined you to a wall down a dark ally way. You were screaming and screaming but one of the guys covered you mouth, One of the guys ripped your school top open revealing up bra and your breasts.

Suddenly there was a scream from one of the guys, you looked up and you saw Murasakibara, looking like a giant with the moon light shining behind him making him look scarier than he usually do and beside him you saw Himuro. His eye shined and there was grin on his mouth and in a flash Himuro knocked out most of the guys and Murasakibara scared most of them off. You fell to your knee crying and shivering, Himuro came to you and wrapped his Yosen jacket around you and hugged you tightly. You felt warmth, warmth that hasn't been felt for a long time. You wrapped your arms round Himuro,

[name]: *crying* Himuro, Himuro. thank you.Himuro: [name]-san are you ok, why did you leave Atsushi's sight. You know it's dangerous out here in the dark.
[name]: Himuro, i felt to heartbroken, you've been ignoring me for the whole week.
Himuro: [name]-san, i'm so sorry, i'm sorry for ignoring you, *smile* you know [name]-san you could've just said so that you want attention *smile*
[name]: Hiimuro, i love you, i really love you and snuggled into his chest.

Himuro carried you on his back to your house, you lived on your own ever since you started middle school (now your in high school). He went into the house and went up into your room, he threw you on the bed and said " [name] where did those perverted guys touch you, i'll cover then placed on your body with my scent!" Himuro lowered his head and started kissing out neck and then whispered in your ear "[name] i'm going to devour you tonight!"

OK EVERYONE, the next chapter in going to be LEMON so be prepared and i hope you enjoyed reading ^_^

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