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❛ 四 ❜

❛ "Honestly? I think that there's some sort of spiritual being hanging around by my side with like this major personal vendetta against me

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❛ "Honestly? I think that there's some sort of spiritual being hanging around
by my side with like this major personal vendetta against me." ❜

WHEN THEY TURN AROUND to see Namjoon awkwardly bent with his hands out and face frozen over three torn paper lanterns, Jeongguk suddenly wants to whip out a katana and slice Namjoon's head off in the most non-violent way possible, Jimin wants the ground to bubble up and pull him down underground, Namjoon really wants to delete himself and Taehyung suffers from an existential crisis.

"How-" Jimin begins, the first one to break the silence.

"Honestly? I think there's some spiritual being hanging around by my side with like this personal vendetta against me." Namjoon rambles.

"Dude!" Jeongguk hisses through gritted teeth, gesturing furiously to the lanterns on the ground. Jeongguk's voice is high pitched and panicky, and the boy's words come out fast. "We're going to be screwed! Like freaking screwdriver screwed!" his voice cracks so much, it's more of a squeak. Behind him, Jimin's wailing, hugging his knees and rocking himself back and forth, muttering something to what Taehyung makes out through all the muffles as, "We're all gonna die, we're all gonna die..."

Taehyung groans, tossing his neck back and frustratedly raking a hand through his sweat dripping hair. "Can everyone shut the hell up? Kook, we're not freaking screwdriver screwed or whatever the hell you think we are, and Jimin, for the love of god please get off the damn floor. We're not gonna die, du-"

Taehyung pauses, the abrupt silence causing all three of the others' heads to angle towards his direction. Jimin looks terrified, Jeongguk looks all sick to his stomach and queasy, and Namjoon might as well be cosplaying Casper. Taehyung's lips are twisted into an 'Oh', letting everything sink in, his right arm that was furiously pointing at Jeongguk and Jimin falling down slowly to his side.

His face falls and pales.

"Holy crap, we're gonna die."

There's seconds of silence full of Jeongguk and Jimin's exaggerated inhalations and exhalations of air, the gears in Taehyung's head shuddering to a halt, and the nerves cloaked underneath Namjoon's skin sizzling and bubbling with panic.

They're all still frozen, staring at the lanterns, gears in their minds clicking. It's as if a switch's flipped, and all four of them get the same idea at the same time, bulbs flickering on in their heads and eyes widening, pupils shining and whites of eyeballs making appearances. Jeongguk and Jimin stand up, Jimin patting at his heart for good measure, and they're all about to turn around when Taehyung notices something.

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