Chapter 1: Unsuspecting Hearts

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Spot Conlon had never been one for romance. He had never found someone who really made his heart soar. That is until the day he met Race. 


It was a foggy winter day, the 20th of December to be exact. Spot was finishing his winter shopping and only needed a present for Jack then he would be done. He made his way to one of Jacks favorite stores, Cards and Cups. There he found a periwinkle sweater he thought Jack would like. As he went up to the cash register to pay, he tripped on one of the clothing racks and dropped the sweater. “Oh, let me help you,” said a tall blonde-haired boy, who looked to be about 16, about spots age. When Spot looked up, he was face to face with the blonde beauty and was immediately swept away. Spot loved everything about him. His curly blonde hair, his striking blue eyes that looked like the ocean. His crooked smile that left him breathless. “I'm Race,” the blonde boy said, holding out his hand. Spot took it and stood up as Race gave him the sweater. “Thanks,” Spot said, “I'm Spot.” 


Spot skipped joyfully all the way to the lodging house. When he opened the door, he saw all the newsies in a heated game of go fish. “hey spot you wanna play?” finch asked. “no... I think I'm just gonna go to my room,” spot said with a smile. “Well some one seems giddy,” jack teased. “I don’t know what you’se talking about,” spot cooed smile growing wider. Spot made his way up stairs to his room. “he's in love,” Jack said. All the other news boys agreed. “can we get back to our game now?” finch asked. 


When spot got to his room, he dropped his bags and flopped down on his bed. A million thoughts raced through his mind: ugh he's so perfect. I bet he's not even gay. But maybe he is? When will I see him again, I'm so stupid I left without even asking to meet up again. Spots thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. “it's open” spot said. The door opened to jack and another figure standing behind him. “Spot we have a new news boy I would like you to meet, he is also from now on, going to room with you. The figure stepped out from behind jack. Spot blushed immediately. “Hi, I'm race nice to meet you.” “right... hi,” spot said sticking out his hand. They shook hands and race stepped in and closed the door. “Hey,” race said, “you’re the guy from that store.” “yep that’s me, you can sleep in that other bed there,” spot said pointing to his right. Race set his things down on the bed and looked at spot. “your blushing.” “What?” spot said, “no im not.” “whatever,” race said with a laugh.

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