Chapter 4: Running Away

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Spot turned the corner tears in his eyes. He hated that he hurt race but he didn't want to hurt him more than he had too. In Brooklyn spot had a rooftop sorta like jack did.  It was on top of a church. He would wake up in the early morning and watch the sun rise, then the church bells would ring and he would get breakfast from some friends he made at the church. Then he would sell papes. Every day was the same. He climbed up the ladder to his spot (haha see what I did there). He sat on the edge feet hanging off the rail, looking down at his city. See spot never really intended on staying in Manhattan he just wanted to get to know race more. He told jack his plan and he agreed becuase race had never seen spot. He was so lost in thought he didn't even realize when race came up behind him. "Hey" race said. "What the- who showed you this place?" Spot demanded. "Rookie showed me. He said for the past few days you haven't shut up about me so he said it was ok for me to come up here" (does this scene seem fimilar to all my newsies fans out there? ;) ). Spot just looked down. He could tell race was hurt and he knew it was becuase of himself. "Spot, I know you have cancer. Actually I have known for months. Jack told me" Spot made a mental note to kill jack later. "I love you spot and I don't want you to break up with me just becuase your afraid of hurting me. That's not your choice to make and if I get hurt in the end well that's my choice." Race had tears in his eyes. He didn't want to lose spot. "Race I-" spot was cut off by races lips on his. Oh how he missed that. "Race would you be my boyfriend again?" "I would love to" race replied.

That night they fell asleep holding one another. They didn't care if they might loose the other in the morning they just made the most of every moment they had left. Race never gave up on spot and spot never gave up on race.

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