Chapter 2: Nightfall

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“No! Please, please stop,” spot screamed, “Please STOP!” “hey, hey spot wake up,” race shook spot awake, “it's just me, you were screaming in your sleep.” “I was?” spot was so embarrassed, tears in his eyes. “do you want to talk about it?” race said sitting on spots bed. “I've,” spot began, “I've had nightmares for about 2 years now. When I was 14, I was taken to a place called the refuge. It’s a cold dark place where you,” spot couldn’t finish his sentence. Race pushed, “you what?” “you get beaten, cut bruised, thrown, spit at. You get no food. They sleep 3 people to a bed, rats everywhere.” Spot was in tears. “shhhh,” race said hugging spot, “I'm here, no one's gonna hurt you.” spot looked up at the taller boy. His eyes are so beautiful, crystal blue, I could get lost in them. “spot?” race whispered. Spot was shaken out of his dream, not realizing he had been staring. “sorry,” spot said, blushing. “don't be,” race smiled. Race got closer to the smaller boy beside him, I rush of adrenaline washed over him. Spot moved closer, the same feeling exploding inside of him. Race couldn’t take it anymore, he bent down and kissed spot. At first spot was taken a back, but he soon deepened the kiss, no longer afraid. When race pulled away, spot smiled. “im not afraid anymore.” Spot burried his face in races chest, as race leaned back. They fell asleep to jazz music playing in the square below them. 

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