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Calum was already dressed and sitting on his bed. He had his phone in his hand, probably on twitter. I grabbed some clothes and walked into the bathroom to get dressed. I threw on a pair of white-washed heigh wasted shorts and a black tank top. I put my hair into a messy ponytail and quickly did my make up. I grabbed my vans and walked back into the bedroom. Calum looked up at me and smiled.

"What?" I asked, a small smile playing on my lips.

"You look good." He said with a smirk.

"Oh please." I looking down at my outfit.

"No really. You look good." He smiled again. "Are you ready to go down?"

"Yes let's go get some food, I'm starving." I said holding my stomach.

"Well lets go!" He said. We walked down to the first floor and into the little restaurant in the hotel. There was no one there.

"Where is everyone?" I asked confused.

"Oh, well since we're famous and all, they reserved the entire restaurant for us so we could eat in peace." Michael said with an expression on his face that told me I should've known that.

"Oh. Okay well I'm gonna get the buffet." I said while walking over to the right side of the room. I came back to the table we were all sharing with a heaping pile of delicious food.

"Hungry?" Luke asked me, smirking." I hit his arm playfully.

"Don't judge me Hemmings."


We ate quickly and soon got into a black van.

"So Hope you can either sit outside of the room at the radio station with Derek and Stephen or you can watch us during the interview." Ashton said.

"As much as I would love to spend my time with your body guards, I think I'll watch you guys." I said smiling.

"Okay but I'm warning you the people at the radio stations might get annoyed with us because we never stay on subject. Like ever." Calum said.

"That's alright, I need some entertainment anyway." We pulled up to the radio station and we got out.

"Hurry up we're a little late." Derek, their main body guard, said. The boys started running inside so I started jogging. Instantly my chest started to burn really bad. It felt like some one was sticking a knife into it.

Either I'm really out of shape, or there is something seriously wrong. I thought to myself. Probably a little bit of both. I walked inside the building and was instantly hit with a blast of cold air. I was cooling down, but the pain in my chest wasn't going away. Deep breaths. Deep breaths. I told myself. I held my chest waiting for the pain to subside.

"You okay?" Ashton asked. I nodded my head.

"Never better!" I said with a fake smile. Calum was looking at me with a concerned look on his face. I just shrugged it off.

We were met shortly by a women wearing a brown skirt and light blue blouse. She was wearing black glasses on her noes and looked to be in her early forties.

"Hello! We are so thrilled to have you all here today, it really is an honor." She said politely. "Please, come with me."

She led us into a pretty decent sized room where there were all different buttons, microphones, and lots of wires neatly places around the room. There were 5 chairs placed in front of 5 microphones in the center of the room.

"You four will sit in front of the microphones and you," she said pointing to me, "can sit in the chair right there." She said gesturing to a chair placed a couple of feet from Luke's chair.

"Thank you." I said politely. The bodyguards left the room and closed the door. Another door on the opposite side of the room soon opened and a man that appeared to be in his late twenties stepped out.

"5 Seconds of Summer!" He said pumping his fists.

"Hey Sam!" Michael said while fist pumping the man. After he fist pumped all of the boys, he sat down.

"And whose this lovely lady?" Sam asked them.

"That's Hope. She's a really good friend of ours. She's the one who pressured us into posting a youtube video in the first place." Calum said.

"I don't want to take all the credit, but yeah they pretty much owe all their success to me." I said smirking, earning a laugh from everybody in the room.

"Well thank you for that." Sam said. I shrugged my shoulders.

"My pleasure."

"Okay so here's what's gonna happen." Sam started. "I'll introduce you guys and tell the audience that you're in the studio. Then I'm gonna play She Looks So Perfect. After that, we'll start the interview. Any of you can answer the questions, but if I direct it toward anyone, I'd like them to answer it. Sound good?"

The boys nodded their heads and I smiled. I was starting to worry, because my chest was burning a lot. I was feeling the urge to cough, so I politely excused myself to the bathroom. I didn't want to interrupt, because Sam just went on air.

I opened the bathroom door and went over to the sink. There was no one else in the bathroom so for a minute I just stood there, fixing my hair. Then all of the sudden I started coughing. And I couldn't stop. I held the wall for balance as I started to get dizzy. I bent over the sink and kept coughing. But, my stomach soon dropped to the floor when I saw what was left in the sink. Blood.


I sat back down in the chair and looked up at the boys. They were all laughing.

"But I mean seriously he's like the giant of the group." I instantly knew who they were talking about. Luke.

"It's not a bad thing, but all the ladies love his long legs. If you ask me, I don't know why they find them so attractive." Ashton said smiling.

"They think they're sexy." Luke smirked. "The ladies love me."

"Oh please." Calum said. "He sometimes is like a little baby horse and he's super shy and then he comes out and he's like this sexy beast. I don't get it." Calum said laughing.

"I can teach you how to be a sexy beast."

"Luke, you can't teach someone how to be a sexy beast."

"Well then that's your problem."

I needed to cough again so I went out of the room and started to walk toward the bathroom. But, it started before I could get there. I was coughing and coughing and I couldn't stop. I soon made it to the bathroom and coughed again. I got seriously scared again when I saw what was already lining the walls of the sink. Lots and lots of blood.



I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while.

I started school and soccer and ya. I'll try to update as often as possible.

Thanks for reading!

-Kaitlin xxx

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