chapter 6| we got a problem

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Nobody's p.o.v
The next day y/n woke up to find herself/himself on the floor. "Oh crap I must have fallen off when I was sleeping." Y/n gets up and heads to the kitchen there was some pancakes on the table and there was only one person sitting at the table it was pop fizz. Y/n says hi to pop fizz. "Hi pop fizz where are the others?" Pop fizz stares at the floor. "Um well you see I once again you know did one of my experiments and well I accidentally shrank them all to small size hehe." Pop fizz says laughing nervously.

Y/n stares at pop fizz shocked. Oh no this was really bad everyone is now small because pop fizz once again tried testing out his experiments. "What are we going to do pop fizz?!" Y/n says a little bit panicked that everyone is shrunk down to small size.

Pop fizz starts thinking of an idea and suddenly an idea pops through his head. "I have an idea y/n go to my lab and get the ingredients I will write them down." Pop fizz writes down the ingredients on a sheet of paper he hands her/him the sheet of paper.
"Alright now go!" Y/n nods and she/he quickly heads to the lab taking out the ingredients that pop fizz needs to make his potion. After she/he was done gathering the ingredients she/he heads back to the kitchen giving the ingredients to pop fizz so he can make the potion.

"Thanks y/n now wait right here while I make the potion." After a few minutes pop fizz comes back with the potion. "Ok I got it y/n get out of the way!"
Y/n quickly gets out of the way and pop fizz uses the potion. The skylanders returned to their normal size. Jet-vac scowls at pop fizz. "Next time pop fizz don't bring any potions in the kitchen!"

"But I love my inventions!" Pop fizz grabs his potions and walks away.
"Well then alright skylanders we need to assemble!"

Jet-vac tells them to get in a line. The skylanders all gathered in a line. Jet-vac talks about they need to follow the rules of being in a skylander. Spyro interrupts jet-vac's speech. "Ok jet-vac we get it we are not newbies well except one person heh."

"Spyro be quiet we need to start cleaning or else sons going to get mad!" Spyro sighs and nods. "Well alright."

It's almost time hahahahahahaha.

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