Chapter 11- Betrayal

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- Louis' POV

My fingers glided mindlessly over the white and black keys, making a melody I was all too familiar with. It was the one I tried to teach Sophie. She failed, but it still held sentimental value for me. We were best friends. Then, one day, she was just gone. Gone and never came back. I heard floor boards creak, and a door open slightly. I didn't pay mind to the figure that approached, thinking maybe they'd go away if I waited them out. "Louis?" Her soft voice whispered, making me pause my sorrowful song. "Hey, Clem." I said, my head still cast to the ground. She knew something was wrong. "Are you okay, Louis?" She asked me, placing one hand on the piano. Without thinking, I moved over, making room for her on the bench. I patted the seat, looking up to her. The night's sky made her even prettier than she already was, if that was even possible. Her eyes shone in the moonlight, her face illuminated by the candle on the desk. She sat next to me, hands in her lap, waiting for me to say something. "Sophie and I were... best friends. When I lost her, I was heartbroken. But... you remind me of her, in so many ways. When I met you, I was so happy to have someone like that in my life again." I mumbled, my eyes tearing. I felt a warm hand cover mine, squeezing gently. She scooted closer, now holding my hand as I held hers. "I'm sorry about Sophie... And Minnie. But I'm glad that I mean so much to you. You mean a lot to me, too." She smiled at me warmly, her golden eyes staring deep down into mine, giving me butterflies in my stomach. We sat for a bit, just talking, until we realized how tired we both were. "Thanks for coming to see me, Clementine. It means a lot." I smile as she stands, turning to walk away, but lingering a moment. Then, Clem turned back to me and embraced me into a reassuring, gentle hug, her cheek nestled into mine a moment. She straightened her shirt and walked towards the door. "Goodnight, Louis." She hummed happily as she exited the room. I got up and went to my room after that, ready for sleep; but in my mind I could only replay her unexpected, but definitely not unwanted visit.

- Clementine's POV

I walked up the stairs to our room, tired as ever, my heart still beating faster than usual. When I got inside, AJ was already fast asleep. Just seeing him so peacefully made me sleepy aswell. So I took off my hat, and went to sleep.


I awoke to hear muffled noises echoing in the pipes. AJ was awake, too. "What's that?" He asked, his voice quiet and nervous. I stood, grabbing my hat. "Shhh" I said, hushing him, trying to keep him calm. Lighting the candle, I walked towards the door cautiously. "What the h*ll" I said to myself, stopping and listening as I heard what I thought were voices. "There's voices in the pipes." AJ whispered as I looked up, listening to the quieted yelling. "I think someone might be in trouble." I acknowledged, walking to AJ. "Is it us?" His small voice asked me in a nervous manor. "No, no, no. It's not us. But we should help them." I reassured the 6 year old boy. "You got your gun?" I asked him as he pulled it out, nodding to me. "I'll be right back. Stay safe." I said, standing, ready to make my way to the door.

I closed the door behind me, the candle in my hand only lighting a few feet in front of me. I turned, trying to figure out where the sound was coming from. I walked, my head leaning up towards the pipes, until I found myself at the door of the basement. I twisted the handle, only to find out that it was locked. Looking at the map, I saw that there was a cellar door outside. I had to get in there. Once outside, I looked around at the semi- darkness that surrounded me. I shivered as the cold winds blew, rustling the trees and plants in the courtyard. Smoke rose from the candle as it got blown out. Now I was in darkness. Setting it down on the ground, I made my way around the school, searching for the cellar door. I forgot my knife in our room. Jogging around, I trying to find something useful, until I came across a brick. This'll due. I thought, picking it up. Then, when I looked up, I saw the cellar door. I walked up to it, seeing the lock. "You are unbelievable! You f**king coward!!" Shouted a voice from inside. I had to get in. Taking my jacket off, leaving me in my hoodie, I wrapped it around the lock, hoping to try and lessen the noise. I smashed in the padlock with the brick I had found earlier. It worked. So I put my jacket back on, and snuck inside, careful not to alert anyone down here. "Hey, HEY! We are in this together! You are not putting all this on me!" Yelled a male voice. It sounded like Marlon.

I walked carefully down the cracked steps, and into the cobwebbed area, hearing the voices get louder and louder with every step I took. "D*mn it, Brody. We don't even know for sure it was them! She also said he got bit. Which means he ain't gonna bother us." He said. So it was Brody. And Marlon. "You know he's not alone." She quieted down a bit. "Those b*st*rds are back and it's only a matter of time until they find us. You know that!" She argued, the flashlight shining from behind a shelf. "I don't know sh*t, and neither do you. D*mnit Brody, keep it together!" His voice cracked slightly, he knew she was right. Brody yelled again, her panic getting the better of her. "There you go again, getting so mad!!" "Well what do you want me to do!? You're making me mad!" He screamed at her. "Oh, we have to tell the others. About what you did!" Her voice was shaky and unsteady. As I neared the two teens, I realized something was going on behind our backs. All our backs.

"Who's there? Show yourself." He turned in my direction. F**k. They knew I was there. I stepped out, making Brody gasp. "Clem!..." She said in shock. "What're you doing down here, in the dark?" I said loudly, trying to remain confident, squinting as he shone the flashlight in my face. "Brody and I were just talking. Go get some sleep." He forced a smile at me, but I knew it was fake. "Well, I was sleeping. You two woke me up. "Tell the others" what?" I said, stepping closer to Marlon and Brody, who exchanged nervous glances. "Please, this is a private conversation. It doesn't concern you." Marlon stepped in front of Brody, who crossed her arms and looked to the ground. I was just about to speak when Brody blurted it out. "The man you met at the station, we got history with him." "Brody..." He warned, his tone getting angrier. I widened my eyes in shock. "Don't listen to her, Clem. She's just acting crazy. She gets this way sometimes, you just gotta tune it out." He tried apologizing to me. I wasn't having it. "Don't be afraid, Brody. Say what you have to say. How do you know that guy?" I countered, narrowing my eyes at him, sizing him up to myself. She furrowed her eyebrows, speaking up. "Marlon let him take the twins, him and his people." "D*mn it Brody!" He yelled, walking towards her. But Brody was done being afraid. "Tenn's sisters? I thought they were killed by walkers." I said to her, ignoring Marlon. "That's the story we told everyone-" "Shut up!" She was interrupted by Marlon once again. She paused, but she had enough. "Cause Marlon was so ashamed of what-" "I said SHUT UP!!"

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!

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