Chapter 24- C+L

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- Clementine's POV

I walked into the dimly lit room, remembering all too well the first time we'd met. It made me happy that I could enter this room again. Hear his playing again. As I approached, I could tell he was aware of my presence, as the playing slowed to a stop and he turned to face me. "So... How do you feel about our imminent deaths?" Louis asked me, half joking. I could still see that he was nervous though. "Honestly? I'm terrified. I think we all are. But... I'm keeping it together. Kinda have to." I replied hesitantly, crossing my arms as I stood near the grand piano. He nodded as he pressed a key, cringing at the sound. "Sounds horrible, doesn't it? It's out of tune." He said whilst standing up, moving towards the back of the instrument. "I needed a second person, since I was planning on fixing it." Louis continued, gues turning me to sit down on the piano bench. "You know how?" I asked back to him, who was already fiddling with the inside. No response. "Can you press the A key?" He asked without looking up. I guess he did. But which one was the 'A' key?? "Uhh, yeah... Which one is that?" I laughed. After being shown, I pressed the key a few times, hopefully allowing him to see what he was doing. Next, Louis told me to press on the pedals. Looking down, I applied pressure to them until he told me I could stop. "Alright, now... Blow on the strings." He added. I couldn't help but give a weird glance at the request. What would that even do? "Just trust me, it'll cool them down so they sound better." He added, laughing slightly at my odd expression. Of course, I had no idea what I was doing, so I did. Feeling slightly embarrassed afterwards, since it still seemed kinda stupid.

"Okay, great! That did... Absolutely nothing. Since that's not at all part of how you tune a piano." Louis came and sat next to me on the bench, laughing because I fell for it. "Alright, alright. You got me." I laughed along, throwing my hands in the air, signalling defeat. He pressed random keys, then started playing something. The tune was beautiful, and I couldn't help but stay quiet to hear it. "What're you playing?" I asked just above a whisper, still focused on the way his hands glided over the keys. "It's a song, that I made. Still don't have a name for it though." Louis replied as he finished the music. "You know what? We should mark the occasion." He said, yet another smile forming on his face as he pulled out his knife. There, etched into the wood was an "L" for Louis. He handed the knife to me so I could do the same. Of course a "C"would be harder because of the curves, but it ended up nicely engraved beside his initial. Then, a thought crossed my mind. I remembered seeing "V+M" in the fishing cabin, for Violet and Minnie. Maybe... Maybe I could do the same here? My stomach was practically doing flips as I added a plus sign, and carved a heart around our initials. I'll admit, it looked good. I just hoped Louis thought the same. "That's a potato? Oh wait, it's... It's a heart. Yup. That's... That's cool. Really cool." He stuttered, smiling at me as I handed back his knife. "Listen, Clem... Thank you. For everything. For listening, for coming to help me with my project. Even after everything you went through. I guess it's just nice that someone actually listens. I mean, everyone hears the jokes, the piano. After that, they all stop listening. You didn't." Louis smiled, but in a slightly more serious way. More of reassurance. Im glad he's forgiven me now. Forgiven us. I nodded back, looking down while smiling, but honestly extremely nervous. I think now was the time to say something.

"So, um... I like you a lot. Like, like you. As.. More than a friend." I tried not to stumble on my words or get too nervous, but I could hardly feel my legs. His expression turned to shock, and my body stiffened as my mind raced. "No jokes? Nothing?" My heart raced as no words came from Louis. What if it really was unrequited? Maybe part of him still hated me. Had I been too foreword? H*ll, in the apocalypse I didn't know "too forward" existed. "So... You like someone. You said you did in truth or dare. You like me?! I... I figured out what to call the song." He paused, smiling widely before continuing. "'Clementine'. You know, because I like fruit. Aaand I like you even more, so... There." The heat rushed to my face as I realized what he was saying. He liked me back!! "Gotta admit, of all the things I saw coming. You having a crush on me was not it. Stabbing me in my sleep? Yes. Declaration of crush? No." He continued on as a sudden urge hit me. I couldn't keep it at nothing. Screw moving too fast, the impulse and feelings won in my mind. Without warning, even from myself, I leaned in. I leaned in really close, and... I kissed him. A short, quiet moan escaped me as he kissed back a moment. We pulled away, and finally the tension in the air was a good one. Well, my legs were completely numb, my face I'm sure was just red, and I could hardly breathe. Maybe I was dreaming? No. This wasn't a dream. The boy that I had feelings for, so many feelings, liked me back. We both stayed that way for a little while, just flustered but... So, so happy. I guess I made the right call. We both smiled, hearts beating wildly, minds racing. I barely noticed that he put his hand atop mine. But it melted my heart when he did.

"Clem! You out there?" We were interrupted by Ruby, who reminded me that it was time for my lookout shift. "That's my cue. I got lookout shift now." I sighed, slightly sad that the moment was over. We both stood now, walking towards the door. And as I was going to leave, opening the door, Louis put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me back around again. Now, he held my shoulders and kissed me gently. It was more short and sweet, but definitely not unwanted. I smiled in the kiss before pulling away, squeezing his hand that I held and walking out of the room. For once, things seemed good.

Well I've been writing a lot more since the final episode. I hope that my writing is still good enough. Honestly I'm sad that Clementine's story is done, but I am so, so happy with the ending. #StillNotBitten

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