The best of us and our love

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He hast evaded mine presence all day.

I cannot remain this way forever, though, certainly not. This is no way for a prince to live his life- utterly alone. I should find him, but this is not an act that I can go through with during the day! This is proving to be impossible.

Ah, of course! If I await his return within his chambers, he hast no choice but to discuss the matter at hand lest he be purposely avoiding me.

I sat upon his bed, but decided t'was too informal... and sitting upon a chair alone was too formal... I decided waiting upon the balcony would be mine best option.

Mine eyes rested upon the glorious lights of the twinkling gloaming before me as the door behind me creaked open, unbeknownst to mine own self. I was too focused on the reds and the purples and oranges provided by the vesper fading into night's darkness.

"Loki," he mumbled to himself, his voice echoing the room and meeting mine ear like a whisper. Certainly, I hast forgotten the dome shaped ceiling created a whispering gallery of his room.

"Thine exaltedness," I whispered, yet, I was certain he'd heard me.

"Look me in mine face," he demanded quietly.

I turned around and looked at him, darkness below mine bloodshot eyes, messy hair- a complete lost cause.

He said nothing for a while and just looked upon me with those harsh eyes. "By Odin, what hast happened?"

"Thou hast, Thor," I replied. "Now, thou see me as I truly am."

"This is not thou, Loki," he fought me, walking o'er. "I mean to apologize for mine behavior. T'was not right of a king nor of a brother; I hope thou would accept."

"Certainly, as I see thou... mean't as thou say't," I agreed. "And I would hope thou would accept mine, additionally, as-"

"Loki, halt," he ordered. "Thou hast nothing for which I require pardon. Thou were simply acting in response to that which I hast said - that which I hast not meant. I ne'er intended to hurt thou, forsooth."

"I see't now, brother," I told him. "In truth, I simply wanted to manifest mine power to thine eye. T'is all I hath e'er wanted, dost thou not see't?"

"I see clear as e'er, Loki, I doth," he made sure. "And, I was not aware of this great power that thou possess until then... now, I feel all that is left is for me to envy't."

"With all this power that thou hath?" I wondered, grabbing him. "Certainly not, brother. I doth not envy thou, trust me... but, if anything, I envy thine power. Only a little, but simply enough to make me feel subordinate."

"We remain equals, thou know," he stated.

"I knew't once," I replied. "And I know't now, anew, and shall fore'er remember't."

"Good," he said. "As thou should."

We stood in silence a moment, farther apart as e'er before. I knew not that which I could say in this moment to bring him closer or to make him feel this self-same way, if he hast not felt't yet.

I allowed mine eyes to settle upon him, upon his own and upon e'erything else. I wished he would look at me with a source of actually marvelous purpose so that I might feel't stir within me as I so-very often seem to.

Just then, like a flash of lightning striking a tree, I felt the room light up when his fair eyes met mine own. I wished he'd speak now, but then I see that I am asking too much- but, if only! Then, I would ne'er ask anything more e'er again for so long as I live, brother, please speak!

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