1 - Strictly

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- Joe's POV

Here we go. Perhaps the best thing I will do in my whole life! Strictly 2018. Bring it on.

I'm walking down the steps on the opening night. The launch show. A massive excitement is building up inside me. I see the female pros lined up before.

"Joe are you ready to find out your partner?"

"Ready as I'll ever be!" I reply, being recorded out to the whole nation.

"You will be spending your strictly journey with.....DIANNE BUSWELL!"

A massive smile spreads across my face and she jumps excitedly into my arms.

As we walk off the stage together, we have a moment of getting to know one another. She has the most beautiful Australian accent, and vibrant red hair that looks amazing on her.


-Dianne's POV

IM SO HAPPY I GOT JOE. I spoke to him briefly before the launch show and he is the absolute sweetest. He gripped onto me tight when he found out we were being paired up and I felt his strong arms hold me round my waist. I couldn't wait to begin dancing.

"I'm delighted to be paired with you Joe." I tell him, backstage.

"Dianne I'm so happy!!" He pulls me into another hug. I can't help but breathe in his warm scent. I am so excited to get started.

*A Week Later*

It's the Sunday after the launch show has been aired. I am still buzzing to be with Joe and we have already practiced multiple times this week.

Everyone else has gone home now, and we are the only ones in the whole studio.

"Dianne, take a look at this costume!" Joe is rolling on the floor laughing.

It's full of sequins and would cover the absolute minimum of someone's body if they tried it on.

"Haha we should wear that costume for our first dance!" I joked with him.

I tell him we should practice hard for the last hour of the day. He agrees and we begin to dance the steps of the jive - our first dance!

"And, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight." I sing along.

"You are doing so well joe! For only your 4th day of practice as well!" It's now Thursday and he's starting to feel the stress.

"I don't know...." He says unsure of himself.

"Hey joe, look at me. You will do amazing and I will be proud of you no matter what happens."

He smiled into my hazel eyes.

"You truly are the best partner I could ask for Dianne!" He said.

We began to laugh together again, among all our inside jokes.

"Dianne I'm just filling up my water bottle, I will be right back."

I nod toward him and continue practicing the choreography.

All of a sudden, I slip on the costume Joe got out and my entire ankle rolls beneath me.

I crash to the floor in pain.

"OWW!" I yell so hard that the whole building could probably hear me.

I hear footsteps running toward me outside the studio and the door burst open. It's Joe and he has a serious look on his face.

"DIANNE!" Joe shouts and rushes over to me, a crumpled mess on the floor.

He saw me holding my ankle and propped me up on the sofa. I wince in pain.

"Does it hurt a lot?" He looks really concerned.

"No it's not that bad." I lie.

I looks right into my eyes making it hard to tell him tales.

"Ok.......yes." I break down into tears and sink back down to the floor, squeezing on my ankle.

"Hey hey hey, don't cry, don't cry." He comforts me.

He wraps his arms around me and sways me from side to side, holding me tight. He doesn't let go of me till I feel better and am smiling again.

It's amazing how you can connect without someone so quickly isn't it? Slightly scary, but so amazing.

————-End Of Chapter———————

Ahh I started a Joe and Dianne FanFic! Of course I am still writing my AJ and Mollie one - I'm doing both at the same time.

As #Joanne Strictly is happening right now, I will try and write loads till I get up to date (to week 6) but obviously adding in little things to make it more exciting (like Dianne's small ankle injury.)

Updates soon! X

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