Chapter 14 ~ Reverse-Psycology

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Thankfully, school goes by very quickly, and once the last day (Friday) is over I run out as fast as my legs can take me.

When Saturday comes, I accidentally sleep in, and when I wake up there're a couple hours until I get to meet Mav again. I get ready as fast as I can, and thankfully my father has knocked himself out again with all the drink. I sneak away with my phone in hand and run to the alley.

He's not there when I get to the alley, so I just lean my forehead against the wall and do stuff on my phone.

Suddenly, someone wraps their arms around my waist from behind me. I try to shake them off, but they have a tight grip around me. Then I notice that my necklace is close to burning. I turn around and see that it's Mav, wearing his signature cap. Well... This is awkward. He's holding the Fault in Our Stars, and thankfully, it's in perfect condition.

"Mav, can you let go of me?" I ask, trying to sound annoyed. But in reality... I kinda don't want him to.

"Maybe... I don't want to," he whispers against my neck, sending a shiver down my spine. I seriously wish I could rip off my necklace. It's burning like mad. Oh well... I kinda like that answer. NO but I'm not telling him that.

"Mav, really. Stop it," I try to pry his arms off me (even though my heart is telling me not to), but instead he just spins me around and plants a kiss on my right cheek. This time, it lasts much longer than the last one. And it's much closer to my lips.

I feel like I'm about to faint. Oh gosh... My heart is pounding like a war drum, my necklace is burning up like coals that have been burning for hours. My arms are around me as well, but on top of his arms. When he separates, but doesn't let go of me, I smile awkwardly and pretend as if nothing's happened. "So... How was the book?"

Mav shrugs. "It was ok. I get why you said it was metaphorical now." He chuckles a bit.

"We can't stay here," I murmur, trying to get his arms off me again.

"Why not?" Now he's starting to whisper against my neck again. GAHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm really starting to hate how vulnerable he makes me feel.

"Well, rumor has it that Mav Galloway was spotted here a couple weeks ago. It'd be a shame if he was spotted here again," I smile slightly.

"Oh yes it would. It would also be a shame if you were somehow caught in the crossfire," he smiles against my skin. URGGGGGGHHHHHHH I just hate my vulnerability.

"Can you just--" I start to laugh a little, until I'm cut off by a voice that didn't come from Mav.


We both jump away from each other, and I see that it's Resie, standing there with her silhouette casting over the alley.

"Uhhhh... Am I interrupting something?" Resie has a strange look on her face, one crossed with confusion and amusement.

"Oh, no. It was nothing... Oh, E this is my friend Resie. Resie, this is E," I jump back to the nickname he gave himself, in the hopes that maybe Resie didn't recognize him.

Resie raises her eyebrows. "E, huh?"

"Yup," replies Mav, popping the 'p.'

She chuckles slightly and shakes Mav's hand. Now that I look at it, they'd look good together. "So... How do you know Feralie?"

"Oh, I'm her boyfriend," he says without a single hesitation. He holds up the chain sitting around his neck. I think I made a little sound in my throat, but I cover it up with holding up my necklace too.

Resie's face went from suspicion to excitement in a second. "Oh my gosh, really?! Feralie York, you need to tell me things more often! How long have you been together?!"

"Maybe a week or so," answers Mav, shrugging.

Resie looks at me, frowning. "Feralie, why didn't you tell me?! I could arrange dates for you two and--"

"No! No that won't be necessary, thanks," I say quickly, shaking my head.

"So what were two doing in here? This isn't exactly a romantic spot... Unless you were trying to get somewhere alone--"

"No!! Ha, we were just-" I'm struggling to think of a cover-up for... What Mav was doing.

"Going to get ice cream," finishes Mav. I glance at him and mouth thank you at him, and he nods slightly.

"Oh! Ok then... My house is near the shop, and I was walking there anyways, would you mind if I walked with you guys? Then you could be more private later," says Resie.

"Sure! You could come," I say, trying to keep up the fake smile I've had for years. "C'mon." I motion for Mav and Resie to follow me out of the alley, and they do. Mav pockets my book, and walks right next to me with his head down and his hands in his pockets. I try to make sure that we don't walk past any cops, or we're dead. There are small crowds walking about.

Suddenly, Resie picks up her speed. "Sorry if I'm interrupting you guys, but you seem familiar. Have I seen you before?" Resie asks Mav.

"Not personally. I'm Mav Galloway," he says, shrugging like it's no big deal. Wait. What?! He just. Told. Her. That he. Is a. Criminal.

For some reason, Resie seems to take it as a joke. "You do look like him. Except for the hair. You must hear that a lot."

"Oh, you have no idea," says Mav, shaking his head. "I think it's the eyes."

"Mmmhmm. Definitely," says Resie just as we approach the ice cream shop. "Well, I'll be leaving you guys now. But before that, Feralie can I talk to you alone?"

I nod timidly and walk with her a bit away from the shop. "No wonder you like this guy. He looks almost like Mav Galloway," says Resie, placing her hands on her hips.

"Yeah," I say, trying to maintain the semblance of pep. "But he has a nice personality too."

"Oh yeah. He's a keeper." She leans in to whisper, "Make sure to tell me if he kisses you or not."

I laugh a little and nod. She smiles and walks away, saying, "Good luck." I walk back to Mav, who's now sitting on a bench outside the shop. There are many people there, flooding out of the doors.

I sit next to him. "How did you tell her who you was, and she took it like it was nothing?"

"Reverse-psychology. Tell them what they want to hear, no matter how crazy, and just go with it," he says, tilting his head. "You learn a lot as a criminal mastermind."

"Uh huh. I bet you do," I say. "So are we actually going to eat in this place?"

Mav thinks for a bit. "Can't hurt."

"Ok then," I stand up and he follows suit.

We walk inside with the crowds of people, and as we do, Mav suddenly slips his right hand into my left. I glance at him, and he whispers, "Might as well keep up the act. Lots of people here."

I nod, not bothering with the warm hand that slipped into my cold one. But there's something in the back of my mind, that makes me feel as if this isn't an act. Or at least, close to not being an act. And surprisingly, I'm ok with that.

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