Chapter Five

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We reached my room and everything was a mess. It's like someone came in and wanted to steal something. But what would they want to steal? I don't have anything, I thought as Daniel and I slowly walked in. I started scanning everything and looked for clues on who might've came in my room. Nothing. I stopped scanning and looked at Daniel. He frowned and shrugged his shoulders. I shook my head and we started cleaning up. Twenty minuets later we got the place cleaned up and I still don't know who came in. I made my way over to my bed and sat down. Daniel came over and sat beside me just as Joshua came running into my room. He was panting when he reached us. We scooted over on the bed and he sat beside me. We made eye contact.

"Dad you have to believe me when I tell you this," he said. Then he took a deep breath and continued,"You weren't an android your whole life. You were taken when I was three. Mom has old documents about your taking and I convinced her to work undercover to find you but Jason made it so she can't find you. He didn't get to me though. And look in the envelope I gave you. It's proof! Please dad! You have to remember!"

I opened my mouth to speak but couldn't form any words. I closed it and shook my head. Joshua threw his arms around me and stayed there. I looked down at him and slowly put my arms around him. He hugged me tighter then let go of me and stood up. I looked at him with a confused expression on my face. Joshua pointed to my pocket. I put my hand in it and brought out the envelope. Daniel told me to open it. I opened it and brought out pictures. It was of me and AnnMarie. Except. I was human and not an android. In the picture, we both were smiling. I looked at another and it showed us and a baby boy. Josh? I wondered as I looked through the rest. The rest of the pictures were AnnMarie and Josh. Where am I? I got to the first picture and put them back in the envelope. Josh asked me if I remembered. I was about to say something when everything around me went to numbers and codes. Then I saw darkness.


"Adam? You okay?" I heard AnnMarie say

My eyes opened and I realized I was laying in grass. Are we at a park? I thought as I sat up and instantly got a head rush. Ow. AnnMarie got by my side and looked at me with a concerned expression on her face.

"W...what happened?" I asked

"You were running and you fell and hit your head," she said.

Then she asked me how many figures she was holding up. I told her two. Which she was holding up two. AnnMarie smiled and helped me to my feet. We went over to a bench and sat down. My head was throbbing. I held my head in my hands but looked up when AnnMarie kissed me. I deepened it then pulled away when I felt dizzy. AnnMarie's face showed concern again and she told me I looked pale. I got to my feet. Which was a bad idea when my vision started spinning and I saw darkness again.


"DAD!" I heard Josh scream

My eyes flew opened and I saw Jason standing above me. I got scared and started apologizing for some reason. Jason held his hands up and I stopped talking. I got to my feet and he smiled at me.

"Adam. You're not in trouble. I'm sorry that I was to hard on you earlier. I was upset about something else and I wasn't right to take my anger out on you. Come on. Let's go for a walk. I have something cool to show you," Jason said as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

I swear I heard a beeping noise but I ignored it. I started walking with him when Josh told me not to go. I spun around and grabbed his shirt collar. He looked at me with fear in his eyes.

"Stop calling me 'dad.' I am not your father and I never will be. I was never married or had kids and if I did, they'd be dead by now. I am an android and I don't take orders from you about what I can and can't do. Understand?" I said with anger in my voice and I also sounded human.

Josh nodded his head franticly and started crying when I let go of him. He ran to Daniel. Daniel and I made eye contact. He glared at him then turned around and followed Jason out of the room. We walked down various hallways in silence. As we walked, I noticed we were getting deeper into the lab. The walls weren't white. They were gray and depressing. There were various doors and behind everyone I heard either screaming from androids or violent slashing noises or explosions. We kept walking until we reached an open door and we went in. Jason closed it behind me and locked it. I saw one light and a chair while everything around it was dark. In the corner of my eye, red warning lights were going off telling me where I was going is dangerous. Yeah, like I didn't know that, I thought.

Then it clicked together. The screaming and other noises I heard. I...I'm in a termination room! I got scared and spun on my heel and headed towards the door. I tired getting out but the door was locked and Jason was also in my way. I looked at him and he cursed at me. Then Jason quickly touched my shoulder again. He ordered me to sit down in the chair. I shook my head no but to my horror, I found myself going over and I sat down. What am I doing?! I thought just as metal wrist and ankle things shot out and made sure that I couldn't get out. I started screaming for help when Jason stepped into the light and walked near me. I stopped screaming when he stood behind me and placed something on my head. Suddenly, I felt pain in both sides of my head. Like sharp wires were in my brain.

When Jason was finished with that, he came around me and we were face to face. He had an evil smile on his face as he brought out a remote. My eyes grew wide and I struggled to get out. Then I stared crying but stopped when Jason pressed a red button on the remote and I felt electricity run through my entire body. I looked at Jason who looked like he's enjoying this, which he probably is. Then I started shaking uncontrollably and started screaming. Slowly, he made it worse and I saw every recent memory I had flash before my eyes and get erased. No! I thought as I saw a warning sign in my vision. It was saying that I'm getting over heated and I would blow up in ten minuets or less.

I continued screaming but it was getting weaker as I felt the energy drain from my system. All of a sudden, everything around my got blurry as I saw another android who looked different than me burst through the door with a boy. The other android attacked Jason. He fell to the ground and the android picked up the remote and we made eye contact. I struggled for air and I saw sparks coming from me. Then, I saw a count down in my vision. It said '' then it said 'termination canceled.' I stared at the other android and the boy as the boy rushed over but the other android stopped him. Then boy ran out crying and the android came over and removed the thing that was on my head and unfastened my wrists and ankles. Suddenly, I fell out of the chair and couldn't get back up.

Then a map of myself flashed before my eyes saying I need countless repairs. I blinked and looked at myself. My shirt was gone but part of my pants stayed on with a few holes. And I had smoke coming off me and part of me was on fire. Weakly, I tried to put the fire out but the other android got it for me. Then he grabbed me under my arms and started dragging me out of the room. As I was being dragged, I was falling apart. Halfway down the hallway, I had lost my legs and I heard a loud ringing noise in my ears. Then, everything went into lines and codes. I felt myself start to shut down. After a few more minuets of being dragged, I shut down completely.


A/N: sorry it took me three days to update this. I didn't have any ideas. And a huge shoutout to @NikkiG68 for the plot for this chapter. Anyways, if you liked this please consider giving it a vote and comment.

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