Waiting Rooms

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James's  POV
   Hospital waiting room chairs aren't comfortable. I've been sitting in one for the past hour and I can't feel my ass anymore. My phone died twenty minutes ago and when I went to the gift shop, they were out. Convenient. The sound of rushing feet and beeping monitors filled my ears and made me nervous as I picked at my nails.

"Dolan?" A nurse called out. I stood and walked over to her.

"I'm a friend. I'm the one that came with Emma." She nodded, pursing her lips.

"Emma is asking for Ethan but he is still asleep. Can we get you to talk to her for a while. Just until he wakes." I nodded, eagerly, and followed her to Emma's room.

   She was hooked up to an IV but that was the only thing. The heart rate monitor was steady but she looked terrified.

"Where's Ethan?" She asked, pulling at the neck brace they had her in.

"Leave it on," I pulled the chair in the corner over to the side of her bed, "Ethan is okay, he's just still asleep. When he wakes up, you can go see him." She nodded and licked her dry lips.

"Emma, I'm so sorry." I began to tear up. Before she could say anything, my phone rang.

"This is James," it sounded like the person was in a crowd of people.

"James! It's Lisa, the boys mom. I just wanted to say me and Sean are about to board the plane and to see if there was any news." I sighed, not wanting to disappoint or worry her.

"Ethan is still asleep but they said he would be fine. Grayson is in surgery and they said he was in critical condition. I'm sure he will be fine though Mrs. Dolan. He's so strong." I heard her sigh and mumbled something.

"You're right. Thank you so much James." And the line went dead. I looked back to Emma but saw that she was asleep. What was I supposed to do now? My stomach grumbled so I decided to head to the vending machine room.

"Hi, are you James Charles?" A girl around 18 came up to me. I groaned, not wanting to deal with the publicity now.

"Yes, but I can't-"

"Can I have a picture?" I rolled my eyes.

"No." Her eyes narrowed and she huffed.

"Wow. I thought your type of people were supposed to do whatever the fans wanted." I lost it.

"My friend is dying! I don't have to do shit for my fans right now. I need to do something for me because if I don't, I'll loose it. Okay? So go find another person to pester." I noticed she had her phone out.

"A video? Wow. Okay well get this," she adjusted the camera to get a better view, "Someone you all know very well is a murderer and another is dying. If you are truly my fans, you'll see why I need to do something for myself right now. You guys know I love you but I have to think about them right now." I turned on my heel and walked into the bathroom, slamming the stall door and sitting on the toilet. I heard the door open and saw a pair of dirt tennis shoes walk towards my stall.

"James? Open up, it's E," I sniffed and unlocked the stall door.

"What's wrong?" He pulled me in for a hug and patted my back.

"I feel terrible. Grayson could die, I had to reject a fan and she took a video of me blowing up at her, and I still haven't gotten any food." We both laughed and the last part and he pulled away.

"Well, Emma is still asleep so why don't we head down to the cafeteria and grab a snack. We can head back up here after and wait for her to wake up. The doctor told me that Grayson would be out of surgery in two hours. Oh, has Ma or Dad called?" I nodded and followed him out of the bathroom and to the elevators.

"Yeah, they called. They were boarding there plane and should be here in a few hours." He pressed the "C" button and we descended down.

   The short ride was silent but when the doors opened, it was loud with people talking. Nurses whirred last us, carrying trays for their patients and doctors ran to the doors stuffing apples or sandwiches in their mouths.

   Ethan walked over to the 'Greens and Fruits' section and began to toss pineapple and other fruits into his bowl. I used the tongs to put lettuce and carrots into my bowl and then put balsamic vinaigrette over it all. Ethan handed me a fork and a napkin and we went back to the elevator, riding up with two female interns who made googley eyes at Ethan the whole time.

"I'm gonna go see Emma." I nodded, getting the hint that he wanted to speak with her alone. My legs curled under me as I sat in the chair across her room. Ethan hesitated before walking in.

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