FIRST DARE YAY (and a truth from me)

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It was an average day on Dragons Edge and the gang were all hanging out in the clubhouse, bored.

“Where's the dragon hunters?" Ruffnut wonders. They hadn't been in any battles with the hunters for a couple of weeks and its getting really boring....and suspicious.

“Yeah or crazy, wild...creepy, DERANGED's so BORING!” Tuffnut grumbles.

"Guys, guys, isn't it nice to be able to relax?!” Fishlegs says, trying to be reasonable.

"But I'm booored!" Tuffnut whines.

Hiccup rolls his eyes and Astrid face-palms.

"Maybe I should get some beauty sleep." Snotlout grumbles.

"Oh please! Twenty years of sleep wouldn't do you good! And, I have a solution to your boredom."  I say, standing at the entrance with my hands on my hips and wearing my school uniform and a random black cape that is flapping in the breeze dramatically.

I look down at myself. “Huh? Oh, right." I click my fingers and I'm now in leggings and a grey  T-shirt with the strike class symbol on the back. “Silly me!”

“WHAT THE--WHO ARE YOU?!" Hiccup jumps. The dragons growl at me and Astrid grips her axe.
“AAAAAA! WITCHERY!” Snotlout screams, as they had all seen the clothes thing.

"Whoa! Calm down and ship HICCSTRID, I'm not going to hurt you! I'm not that cruel.....or am I.... no I'm not....I think? Ha I'm kidding I'd never hurt you guys....” I trial off.

"Who are you?" Hiccup asks again.
"HOW'D YOU GET HERE?" Astrid yells.
"You free tonight?" Snotlout says. I glare at him.
Fishlegs looks on, nervous, while the twins are debating if I worship Loki.

“Okay, my name is Ilikehorsesandcake but you can all call me Sophie. I...teleported here? Yeah, we'll go with that. Snotlout, I am most certainly NOT free tonight and like I said, I won't hurt any of you. Except, maybe Snotlout, if he annoys me. I love dragons, see?!"

I turn so they can see the symbol and use my thumbs to point at it then turn around and face them.

The dragons calm down and I smile, relived. They still eye me but they're not about to fire at me and they're not growling viciously like I took there fish, either.

“You-you teleported? But why are you--”

“Hiccup, I'm here to give out truth or dares sent by the readers... I mean my friends. Yep. Friends of mine... some.. good..ideas. I might not always be here so they'll come on Terrible Terrors to the designated victim.. HA I mean, participant. Oh, and if you pass you have to go two days without seeing your dragon, none of Heather's yak chops for a month, you have to drink a cup of Yaknog and maybe something the reader...friend, sorry..chooses if they want!” I say. “I will choose from these unless the rea--MY FRIEND says otherwise.”

“How bad are these dares going to be?!” Astrid exclaims. “Do we have a choice?!”

I smirk. “You have no idea!” then I pull a scroll from behind my back. “Oh and nope! No choice.” I mumble as I read the scroll.

“I have the fist dare! I repeat, I have the first dare! Its for Hiccup and our favourite dragon, Toothless!” I grin, whooping.

“Uh...I'm not.. really feeling.......” Hiccup tries to get out of it but I smirk.

“Just think. No flying yummy Yak chops....and Yaknog sliding down your throat...”

He slams his mouth shut with a groan.

DARES (and truths) HTTYD RTTE GangWhere stories live. Discover now