Mega chappy (crappy)

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Alright, so imma chuck all the dares I've been recently sent and haven't done yet (I'm so lazy) into this chapter.
My thanks to the Submitters :) BelieverChick1Agrest, JosTastic550

I know this is long overdue but...I forgot my library card? Okay, terrible excuse. Just read.
By the way: watch the video!!!!!! It's not mine obviously I'm not that talented, but is seriously very good!
*pic mine*


Because I'm a lazy person, I just teleport myself to the edge as soon as I see the dares, not bothering with an introduction. I walk into the clubhouse, thankfully everyone is there so I'll only have to say this once. I just look at them all and give a short wave.

"Hey everyone. I have a bunch of dares, but we'll start with JosTastic550 's friend, Emma." everyone nods in understanding.

"And it's for Astrid to pierce Ruffnut's ears with a hot needle."
"Cool! Pain! And I've been looking for an excuse to hang some tiny spears from my ears!" Ruffnut cheers while Astrid raises an eyebrow.
"Eh...sure? I think I've got something that will work." And she runs out of the room with Stormfly in tow.
"I don't think I wanna know what she keeps in that heavily armed bedroom of hers," Fishlegs mutters.
"Can I just say that this whole idea seems very dangerous!" Hiccup comments. I smile, lifting up a first aid kit.

"I have the necessary precautions...although I have no idea how to use any of it is!" I exclaim, chuckling sheepishly because I haven't been bothered to take any first aid courses. Hiccup gives me a nervous look.
"Don't worry, nothing will go wrong!" I tell him unconfidently, just as Astrid walks into the room.

"I suggest you take a seat, Ruffnut. Because this will hurt." She tells Ruff as she sticks a needle into the fire pit, gesturing for Stormfly to give it a little boost. Ruffnut takes a set.

"Once you're done with her, do you think you can do mine? I wanna hang tiny maces, or maybe even tiny chickens. Maybe one each ear. Do you think you could make them Hiccup? It's so in fashion!" Tuffnut comments, walking up. Everyone crowds around Ruff and Astrid as the needle heats up. I gesture for Fishlegs to come to the corner.

"There's a dare for you!" I tell him with a smirk and he whimpers.
"Don't worry, it's a good dare, one you'll like!" I exclaim and he pauses, listening.

"It's by JosTastic550 and it's for you to Loki the twins for revenge. Anything you like! They just can't know it's you." I tell him quietly, and he looks at me with a serious look..before grinning widely.
"I-I have so many ideas!" He gushes excitedly. "I better go, but if something goes wrong with Ruffnut—" there's a pause where she can be heard yelling in pain in the background—"I'll be in my hut... or the twins." I nod in understanding, and he discreetly slips out of the room with an uncharacteristic smirk while I go back to the group.

"Owww, oh this is gonna be so cool! OW! Wow Astrid, a little rough!" Ruffnut cries out as Astrid stabs her ear with the red hot pin.
"Haha.. unintended!" Tuffnut cheers then proceeds to explain the pun to the less intelligent of us.

"Hey, Snothat!" I shout, and he looks at me, irritated by the name as I smirk. "Get your obnoxious ass over here!" I continue, and he stomps over.
"What?!" He asks me.
"You've also been dared by Emma to flirt with a Ruffnut for the whole day, but Tuff can't stop you. I'll tell him too!" I exclaim.
"Well, I am one with the ladies. She'll not be able to resist me. I mean, Astrid basically leaps on me!" Snotlout brags and I roll my eyes.
"Wanna say that to Hiccup," I ask him, and Snotlout grumbles something under his breath.
"Alright, the dare!" I tell him. He rolls his eyes before nodding and walking back to Ruffnut, where she's having her ears wrapped up in some bandages.

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