A taste from home

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"GET OUT!!" Arthur screamed, tears brimming in his large, golden eyes. He wanted to curl into a little ball and wither away. 

"Arthur, listen-" Lewis hated to see Arthur like this. He didn't know what triggered this moment but before he could figure it out he was being shoved out of the door by the other. He found himself staring blankly at the shut door, weeping sounds coming from behind it. 

He swept down the hallways of the mansion, trying to come up with ways to cheer Arthur up. He racked his brain for ideas, coming up with nothing so far. Lewis stopped by the door periodically, softly knocking on the purple heart wood. There would only be soft 'go aways' or complete silence. As he walked around the house, it hit him. Maybe if he cooked one of Arthur's favorite dishes it would at least cheer him up a bit. He smiled at the memory of when Arthur's face would light up when he saw his favorite meal laid on the table. He rushed to the kitchen, furiously preparing all the ingredients. 

The smells drifted all throughout the house, making Arthur sit up and wipe his tears away as the familiar scent greeted him. A small smile replaced his features as he stood up and went to the door, opening it slightly. He crept out of the room and down the corridors, eventually finding his way to the kitchen. His mouth watered at the sight, having had only take-out for the past how ever long it's been... 

He stood awkwardly in the kitchen doorway, trying to figure out what to do. He was still standing there when Lewis turned around, smiling.

"I knew that would get you out of your room," Lewis said, setting the dish out on the table.

Arthur quickly sat down at the table, shoving mouthfuls of food down his throat. He hadn't had a good home cooked meal in a while. He finished the dish way faster than any normal human should've finished it. 

Lewis smiled, "Would you like seconds?" He raised an eyebrow and took his plate.

 Arthur nodded, "Yes, Thank you... And I'm sorry about earlier..."

Lewis set the plate down, and hugged him tightly, "It's ok."

//Yeah, these are a little short but.. Y'know they might get longer over time. Who knows. I will try to establish a schedule soon. But yeah!  Hope you enjoyed.

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