Afternoon nap

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Dark bags had appeared under his eyes again. Vivi had been dragging them out to go ghost hunting, making all of them lose precious hours of sleep.  The whole gang was tired the next morning, not getting home until 3 am. 

Arthur yawned, leaning against the taller man. Lewis wrapped his arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug. Arthur rested his head against Lewis's chest, almost instantly falling asleep. Lewis smiled at him and carried him to the couch, where Vivi and Mystery were binge watching 'The Office'. He sat down next to them, Arthur still holding onto him. Lewis kept his arms around Arthur as he drifted off, his eyelids becoming heavy with fatigue. Both fell into a heavy sleep, not waking up till late afternoon.

Arthur woke up a bit earlier than Lewis, curling up against him for warmth. The winter months had started up and everyone besides Vivi hated the cold weather. He shifted around, trying to find a more comfortable position. 

About 30 minutes later, Lewis woke up. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and looked at Arthur.

"Good afternoon, Arthur." He smiled tiredly.

"Afternoon, Lew." He hugged him and sat up, reaching over to check his phone. His face turned a dark red as he looked at the screen, burning up from embarrassment. Lewis looked over at the device, a blush creeping up on his face. On Vivi's profile, she had taken pictures of them curled up together, sleeping. What made it more embarrassing for Arthur was that he was in one of Lewis's old shirts. 

The shirt was way too big for him but it looked adorable to Lewis and it made Arthur feel safe and warm. He automatically felt less stressed when he had one of his shirts on, the faint scent of peppermint coming off of it.

As if on cue, Vivi started laughing her ass off. 

"VIVI!!!!" Arthur shouted as he leapt from the couch, leaving to find Vivi.

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