Me? Jealous? No way.

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"Vivi, do we have to go explore this place now? Can't we do it another time? Like maybe never?" Arthur grumbled.

"Oh, lighten up Artie! We haven't been anywhere in a while. Besides, now you have Lewis to protect you!" She giggled.

 Lewis chuckled and put an arm around him, pulling him closer. He ran his fingers through Arthur's soft, golden hair, making the smaller man's face turn a beet red. Arthur tried to hide his blush but failed, only embarrassing himself more. Both Vivi and Lewis chuckled at his reaction. 

It continued like this for the rest of the trip, Lewis teasing his lover and Vivi laughing along. They arrived at the haunted town, all of them climbing out of the van. Arthur stayed close to Lewis, clinging to him like a koala whenever a sudden, unexpected noise occurred. They walked around the old town, spotting a few things that were out of the ordinary. They walked into an old abandoned bar, and came to find that it was buzzing with activity. Ghosts were sitting at the bar, having drinks and chatting. The place went silent when they were finally noticed, everyone staring at them. Arthur instinctively moved closer to Lewis, grabbing onto his arm. 

"Well, what brings you here on this fine night?" The bartender asked, breaking the silence.

"I... Uh... I might not know how to explain it...." Lewis said and as he tried explaining it he gave up half-way through.

The bartender just shrugged, and offered them a seat at the bar. They both took a seat as the chatter started up again, almost everyone forgetting their presence. A few of the lady's stared lovingly at the blonde, only making him scoot closer to his boyfriend. One lady stood up and walked over to where the 2 men sat. She had a lovely velvet dress on and it emitted a beautiful sapphire glow. She introduced herself as Lizzie, and, if it wasn't obvious enough, she started flirting with Arthur.

It took him a few moments for Arthur to figure out what was happening. Arthur nervously laughed. She really wasn't aware that him and Lewis were together.

 "Oh... I, uh.... I'm a-already in a relationship..." He stuttered slightly. He could sense Lewis getting angrier by the minute and he really, really didn't want to be involved in a fight. 

Arthur let out a small squeak as he was pulled into the other's lap, a dark blush appearing on his face. He sat there, too flustered to speak or to even get off Lewis's lap.

"Back off, as he said, he already has a lover," Lewis's pink hair flared slightly out of anger as he wrapped his arms protectively around Arthur, "C'mon, lets get the hell outta here...." He said as he dragged Arthur along with him, shooting looks of anger and disgust at the woman named Lizzie.

Arthur was still blushing when they were out of the old, rundown building and standing in the moonlit streets. 

"Lew, you didn't have to do that... I wouldn't have even accepted if she asked me if I wanted to be with her. I already love you and nothing will change that..." 

"I-I know, but still! I don't like it when people flirt with you..." He muttered, a light blush appearing on his own features. 

Lewis shifted awkwardly from foot to foot as he stared at the ground. Arthur walked up to the taller man. Lewis, knowing that Arthur wasn't tall enough, picked him up so he could give him a kiss on the cheek. Arthur smiled brightly and said, "I'll always love you no matter what. I promise. Now let's get going, I wanna go home."

Lewis nodded, "Alright. And you promise promise that you'll always love me??"

"Yes, Lew-Lew. I promise promise that I'll always love you." He chuckled.

//Oof, had to go back and edit some things based on the hight factor.

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