This Time I Might just Disappear

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He teetered dangerously on the edge of the cliff, finally steadying himself. He breathed a sigh of relief, only to feel himself being lifted into the air and over the edge of the small cliff, hanging over the deadly stalagmites that might be the end of him. He struggled against the grip of the skeleton-ghost.

Arthur's eyes widened in recognition and surprise as he looked at the face before him. "Lewis?" He said, confusion and shock in his voice. Lewis hesitated at his name, his angry expression softening. He backed away from the edge of the cliff, pulling Arthur into a hug.

"Lewis?? Oh my god, It's you! I been looking for you for months!! God, I almost thought you wouldn't turn up! I can't believe I found you!" Tears of joy and relief flooded down his cheeks as he babbled on.

Lewis pulled away from the hug. "Arthur..." He said softly, trying to get his attention.

"-I could tell Vivi that you could be part of the gang again and-"

"ARTHUR," Lewis said much louder, cutting through Arthur's thoughts.

Arthur looked up, wiping the tears away from his eyes, "Sorry, what is it?"

"I'm so sorry..." Lewis looked down.

"Lewis, if this is about the whole trying to kill me thing, it's fine. Really."

"Arthur, I can't stay..."

"What? Why not?" Arthur's brows furrowed.

"There's nothing keeping me here anymore... I'm no longer angry," He looked at the ground again, "I haven't got much time..." Tears filled Lewis's eyes as he felt himself start to fade away. "Please Artie, I don't wanna go," His voice trembled, the tears starting to fall down his cheeks.

"Y-You can't leave now, I've only just found found you!" A panicked look appeared on his face, tears of utter sadness quickly replacing the ones of joy. "Please, you have to stay!"

"I'm so sorry Arthur...." He said.

"No, Lewis!" He cried, tightly grabbing onto his quickly fading jacket. Lewis hugged him, wiping Arthur's tears away. He lightly planted a kiss on Arthur's forehead.

"No, no, no, no, please don't leave Lewis, please, please..." He sobbed, hugging Lewis tighter. "God no, no, please no, NO, NO, NO!!!" He screamed, the last of Lewis fading away.

Arthur dropped heavily to his knees, burying his face in his hands as he sobbed, the sounds bouncing off the walls of the cave.

//This is based off a comic I saw on Tumblr... And I got a lot of inspiration from it, so I just had to write a short story off of it

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