Chapter 6: Hunting Time And Rage

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Scorpius waited on Jagged. It was a month since came to the Anti-claw and Jagged thinked that Scorpius was ready!

Jagged: Okay let's go Scorpius!                                                                                                                                       Scorpius: Uhm, Jagged! Are you sure about this is a good idea?                                                       Jaggged: Of course! I know you are a dragon, but I'm sure you'll learn to hunt dragons on classic Anti-claw methods! 


Jagged and Scorpius was flying on a large bird-like ship. Scorpius rested in one of the ship's rooms. 

Jagged: Okay young Scorpius, time to wake up we are here!                                                                     Scopius: Where here?                                                                                                                                                           Jagged: The place where all rookies are starting their first hunt!

The ship holded over a little forest. There was a orifice in the middle. It doesn't seems to be the greatest place for dragon hunting, but it was! 'Cause suddenly a group of small curled horned dragons showed up and beginned to play around with each others. Jagged and Scorpius landed stealthily in the forest. 

Jagged: Come on Scorpius! It is here!                  

Jagged and Scorpius sneaked behind the bushes.

Jagged: Okay kid, are you ready?                                                                                                                                         Scorpius: Uhm, i'm kinda nervous with this!                                                                                                             Jagged: Don't worry! I'm trusting you!                                                                                                                         Scorpius: (Gulps) O-okay! If you says so!

Scorpius sneaked nervously out and over to the dragons.

Scorpius: Hey you there!                                                                                                                                                     Dragon 1: Huh? Who are you?                                                                                                                                              Scorpius: Uhm, this is weird, but i need to hunt you now, so sorry! Don't take it personally!

So soon he had said that he attacked the dragons that looked shocked at the scarred and scorpion-tailed dragon child. 

Dragon 2: Dude, what the heck are you doing?                                                                                                         Scorpius: I'm sorry, but i need to do it! I'm a member of the Anti-claws now, so i need to do this!   Dragon 1: WHAT? ARE YOU INSANE? ONLY A TRAITOR WOULD DO THAT! YOU'RE A FREAK, YOU ARE!! Scorpius: (Gasps as tears shows in his eyes) 😨! N-no i-i'm not! I-I'm not a traitor! I-I'm not a freak! I-I'm not, not, not, NOT!!!!

Suddenly Scorpius released a high ear-splitting tortured scream that could be heard litteraly thousand miles away! The scream was powerfull enough to throw the dragons 9 meters away in the air! He couldn't take the cruel words anymore. When he was finished with scraming he furiously throwed one of the five dragons and violently slashed and bited it. Suddenly one of the other dragons came to save his friend and knocked Scorpius in the head. 

Dragon 3: Take that, traitorous freak! Come on guys, let's go!

As soon the dragons flied away, Jagged jumped out of the bushes and runned over to Scorpius. 

Jagged: SCORPIUS!? ARE YOU OKAY? 😧                                                                                                                 Scorpius: (Sobbing while laying in fetus possesion)                                                                                               Jagged: Oh no! Shhhh, it's okay, it's okay! (Craddling Scorpius in his arms) Let's take home! (Lifting and bearing Scorpius)

Jagged went back to the ship with the sobbing dragon in his arms. He didn't expect it would went like this. He layed Scorpius back in the resting chamber and started flying back to the Anti-claw lair.


(Talking with Ultron's voice) That was dramatic! (Talks with normal voice again) So, as you can see, Scorpius did have a really hard first mission! And Jagged feeled guilty for the young dragon's breakdown. But it's not over yet, because next time he will begin to plotting, his revenge! Until then, have it good folks😉😉😉😉😉😉

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