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I was listening to  Avril Lavigne's "Smile" while writing this chapter. Just saying. Enjoy!


“Can’t we do something about it?”

“I’m sorry Santana. It’s a management call.”  Emma answered.

“But my team has been doing their best for two months now. We’ve been doing this portal revamping religiously every day, and all I’m asking is for a freaking second chance!” She couldn’t help herself but to be pissed right now.

“I know. But it’s Ms. Sylvester’s firm direction that we have to let go of those who cannot pass the exam.” Emma tried to explain.

“But they were cutting down 90% of my people! And now I am left with two!” Santana doesn’t care if she’s shouting impolitely to her manager right now; she just wanted to let it out.

“Santana, calm down. I know how you’re feeling right now. I know it’s really hard to let go of something that you’ve been working so hard.” Emma is being too calmed. Santana tried her best to listen and absorb what her boss is trying to explain. “But we cannot do something about this anymore. Like what I’ve said, it’s a management call. We have to let go of them.” Emma continued, hoping that Santana is ready to accept her defeat.

Santana took a deep breath, realizing she have lost this battle already.

“Excuse me, Ms. Emma. Ms. Sylvester wants you in her office right now.” Quinn said, hesitation was obvious on her voice. She sure knows that this is not the right timing to bring Sylvester’s name in the air.

“You too.” She said looking at Santana with an apologetic look.

Santana slump her shoulder. She’s too tired right now. She just wanted to go home and sleep, which she’s deprived of for two months now. She’s been losing sleep ever since this chaos came up.

“Okay. We’re going now.” Emma said while gathering her pen and notebook.


Santana and Emma were stopped by Sylvester halfway to her office.

“Oh you’re here!” Looking at Santana and Emma’s direction. “Mercedes, assist the marketing team in finding a replacement for Santana’s team.” Mercedes shocked reaction was obvious. Clearly doesn’t know she was even part of this conversation since she was just walking in the hallway going to her own office.

“How many of your people failed the exam?” Sylvester turned her attention to Santana.

“Hmmm. What?” Santana answered, earning her a slight bump from her manager.

Sylvester quirked her brow, definitely not pleased with her response.

“Ah! Thirteen, yes thirteen!” Santana answered almost too loud.

Sylvester then turned her head back to Mercedes.

“Got it? Get her thirteen new people. Have them,” pointing her head to Emma and Santana, “interview the applicants ASAP. I want her new team be completed within the week.”

“I also need fifteen more new interns. Almost half of my interns now were about to finish their required time this week.” Santana managed to add up.

Sylvester nodded. “Okay. Give them the people they need. I need to have this team completed within the week.” Sylvester continued while heading to the elevator. “Have this new girl, what’s her name again?” Sylvester asked Mercedes.

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