Your Hesitations, My Regrets

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"The One That Got Away" by The Civil Wars is perfect for this installment.

This is the least Santana had expected. She just wanted to move forward already. She’s actually ready to leave all the questions behind. She’s willing to forget everything and just keep going, expecting she’d be over the pain and hurt eventually, soon. But now everything is coming back to her in a rush after seeing again the girl in front of her; the pain, the hurt, feeling of betrayal, excitement, love, altogether. She thought she would be ready for this day if it would have to come, but she’s not prepared it would be sooner than later.

“Santana.” Brittany started, “Can we… can we talk please?”

Santana stared intently at Brittany. Her heart almost melts when she saw the pleading look on Brittany’s blue eyes. “God, she’s beautiful.” She mentally thought. Her eyes and heart is yet again deceiving her brain and good mental consciousness. She thought she’s done dealing with this battle between her heart and her brain, but she’s wrong again, because here she is, willing to give this situation a chance to know what the girl have to say.

“Hey Brittany! I’ve been looking for…” The man started. “Oh.” But the man didn’t manage to finish what he has to say.

All four heads quickly turn their attention to the man coming in walking towards them.

Of course it’s Sam.

Great, Brittany is asking for a talk but she clearly forgot she’s with Sam. Thank God Quinn and Rachel was there, because it could have been the most awkward situation in Santana’s entire life if it weren’t for them.

Santana smirked mockingly; she cannot contain her annoyance anymore. And Brittany’s fully aware of it because she saw it, she quickly diverted her attention to Sam.

“Sam, I..” Brittany started.

“Quinn, let’s go.” Brittany was cut off by Santana’s stern voice as she walked passed through Quinn towards the door.

Quinn just nod and sends Brittany a disappointed, no, it’s actually more of a super pissed off look as she gathered her things. Rachel quickly followed Santana without any word.

“Wait Santana, please.” Brittany pleaded as she tried to follow the girl but Quinn stopped her.

“Don’t even, Brittany.” Quinn started on a firm threatening tone. “I told you before; I don’t want her to get hurt.”


“Oh God. I’m so bored.” Brittany said as she stretches her arms and yawned.

Quinn laughed as she checks her emails on her computer. “Britt, it’s only 10:00 Am, the day is just yet about to start and you feel so bored already?” Quinn said shaking her head.

“I don’t know. I don’t feel like working today.” Brittany shrugged and sighed “Santana should have told me she’s not coming in today; I would have not come too.”

Quinn smiled at what she heard. She’d definitely tell this to her friend later and tease her for the rest of the day.

“She said she just needed to do something this morning.” Quinn started, “She’d be here after lunch, anyway.”

“Good. She’d better be here by then.” Brittany said while making a small turn on Sugar’s chair beside Quinn that obviously shows her boredom.

Quinn just nods with a playful smile as she watches Brittany pouted.

“Oh God! IT Department can definitely be idiots sometimes.” Sugar huffed as she approaches to her chair. Brittany stood up from Sugar’s chair to let the girl sit down.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2014 ⏰

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