Not Over You

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"Not Over You" by Gavin DeGraw is the inspiration of this chapter.

“Quinn, move faster!” Santana giggled as she playfully pushes Quinn on the line.

Quinn almost stumbles on the guy in front of her. She then eyed Santana her signature threatening look before giving the man a quick apology,

Santana just shrugged and stifle a laugh as she walked passed through Quinn.

It was lunch time and they’ve decided to have an early lunch out hoping to at least avoid the rush, but they failed. Guess, everybody decided to take an early lunch too. The restaurant near their building was jam packed, but since they were too tired to walk longer, they just decided to wait in line there.

“What’s your order?” Sugar asked Santana and Quinn when they were almost in front of the cashier. Luckily, the restaurant has a quite good number of cashiers available to accommodate a large number of rushing customers.

“Same.” Santana answered simply as they waited for Quinn’s answer. “Same too.”

Sugar nods and gave their orders to the cashier. Santana stepped out of the line first and went to see vacant table on the right side of the restaurant. She motioned Quinn and Sugar to follow her.

“Where’s Brittany?” Sugar asked Santana while they were walking toward the vacant table Santana found.

 “She said she can’t join us.” Santana shrugs. “She still needs to finish something before lunch.” Santana continued.

“I see.” Sugar simply replied. But Santana’s sudden mood change didn’t go unnoticed to Quinn.

This is actually not the first time Brittany said no for a lunch with Santana. It’s always a no, actually. Different reason every time Santana invites her for lunch. Santana is actually a little confused as to why, since they always eat breakfast together ever since.

They were almost at their table when Santana saw someone familiar.

 It’s Brittany, and she’s with someone, a guy someone.

Brittany is facing the isle they were walking through so she can definitely tell it’s her. But she cannot quite tell who the guy is. The guy is facing Brittany that makes his back facing the isle.

Santana abruptly stopped her tracks when she saw them that cause Quinn and Sugar behind her bumped into her.

“Santana!” Quinn almost shouted when Santana still didn’t move.

“It’s Brittany!” Sugar said a little too loud pointing to Brittany’s seat.

Quinn followed Sugar’s direction then quickly turned her attention back to Santana who’s now looking intently to Brittany and the guy’s direction. Quinn definitely knew who the guy is.

It’s Sam.

Sam looked at their direction as he heard Brittany’s name and send them a wave. Sugar waved back and Quinn just nods. Santana, she’s quite frozen, having a little staring contest with Brittany.

She heard about it a lot of times already. Quinn even told her that Brittany might be dating Sam but she didn’t believe her because Brittany told her, they’re not dating when she asked her. Plus, she thinks Sam is already engaged with someone that’s why it didn’t even cross her mind.

But now, seeing them together made her feel a little uneasy. There’s a pang in her heart that made her feel hurt.

“You okay?” Quinn asked Santana.

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