I Should've Known

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"You Didn't Tell Me" by Lawson is perfect for this chapter.

Santana heard a soft knock on her door. She tried to ignore it and just continue staring nowhere. She had been doing this for almost four hours now after she nearly broke down earlier when she heard the song “You and Me”. She at least had forced herself to eat the food Quinn and Rachel left. And now she sits on her couch covered with blanket watching a TV show she doesn’t really care because her mind is too busy doing its own ride to her memory, somewhere that she hoped she could get back.

She heard the knock again, and this time it’s a little too loud. She groaned but still dragged herself up to open the door.


“Quinn.” Santana answered back when she saw who’s on her front door. She opened the door a little wider and let it open as if as a gesture that Quinn can come in. She then walked back to the couch still with the blanket in her hands.

“I’m sorry Santana.” Quinn started as she walks in and softly closed the door. “I was out of line earlier and--“

“No. That’s okay. I was a bitch.” Santana cut her off again.

“You always cut me out.” Quinn said almost immediately.

Santana’s face turned to be more upset. And Quinn saw it and she quickly adds, “No, I mean, you always cut me off when I’m trying to explain or talk long.” Santana frowned in confusion. “And yeah, you cut me out always.” Quinn finished with a sadder tone.

After a few minutes of awkward silence with only a mumbling noise from her TV, Quinn decided to speak and tried to change the topic a lighter mood.

“We knew you can’t say no to sushi.” Quinn said pointing to the almost empty plate on Santana’s coffee table.

“I didn’t what happened too.” Santana replied, totally ignoring what Quinn has just said.

Quinn frowned not actually understanding what Santana is referring to.

“Brittany.” Santana answered turning her head to face Quinn as if she knows she got her a little confused.

“Oh.” Quinn muttered. That’s all she could mutter. She slowly moves closer to Santana to show her encouragement to continue without even saying anything.

It was a long pause before Santana finally speaks again, “I didn’t know what happened either.” She started, “We we’re okay but then suddenly we’re not.”

Quinn just remained silent waiting for Santana to continue. A good two minutes had past and she still heard nothing. She was about to speak this time, anything, just for Santana to continue what she’s opening up when she heard a soft cry and she saw Santana gently wiping her cheeks. Instead of asking anything, Quinn just gently sooth Santana’s back, muttering a soft, “It will be okay.”

After another minute, Santana finally gained her strength again and speaks.

“She just left. No words. Next morning I know, she’s with him, moving in together.” Santana said.

“How did you know?” Quinn softly asked.

“Tina.” Santana starts, “I had to ask someone.” Santana continued, “I can’t bring myself to ask her myself. I don’t know if I could take it that time, to hear her say that she’s choosing him over me.”

“I know.” Quinn managed to mumble.

“I just want to know why.” Santana started again this time there’s a little sharpness on her voice, “Why does she have to kept me waiting for her answer and then suddenly, out of the blue, she have decided already without letting me know.” She continued, “I at least deserved an answer, right?” She finished questioning Quinn.

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