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She ever said..

"Jev, you're kind of a best friend I could never imagine. I thought, God creates you for me. To be my walking diary, to be my guardian, to be my BEST of bestfriend"

Kind of.... Friendzone????? Sucks. Yeah I know.

But she doesn't know..

Somebody wants her.
Somebody needs her.
Somebody dreams about her every single night.
Somebody can't breathe without her.
Somebody hopes that one day she will see.... that somebody's me....

No matter how hard I try to approach her, I know my heart just can't reach her. I know it very well.

I don't know who will be her next guy.
But this time, can she just look right next to her???? I'm there -- Gevariel Jev Ian

Notes: Hai ini story pertama aku, maaf ya kalau masih jelek. Maklum, masih newbie 😹 Semoga kalian suka ya! Boleh meninggalkan jejak disini. Dan kalau boleh sih di vote juga. Hehehe. Oh ya, supaya gak kelewatan ceritanya, follow juga boleh kok ;p

Lean On MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang