Delivery (Vkook)

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[REQUESTED BY: @VtaekookieBTS]


sub top!taehyung
dom bottom!jungkook
pizza boy!taehyung
slight degrading kink


jungkook walked through his front door, exhausted from the stupid college fairs he had just came from. he wasn't even all that excited to go to college in two months, he was just happy that he was finally done with high school.

as he slipped off his sneakers, he noticed a note on the counter. he picked it up and took a closer look at it.

'your father and i went out for our anniversary! i'm writing this because i told you last week but i'm sure you've forgotten already. we'll be back tomorrow and i've left money on the counter if you get hungry! we love you bunny!'

he sighed as he finished reading the note before him. he's eighteen now, he's not a kid anymore. but he guesses he'll always be theyre "little bunny" no matter how old he is.

he balled up the note and went into the kitchen to throw it out, that's where he saw the case on the counter next to the trash bin. he picked it up and swiped through it, about 40 dollars. he didn't think he would use all of it since he was only buying one pizza, for himself he might add.

he put everything down and raised his arms, hating how sweaty and sticky he felt. it was the middle of summer, it was hot and he had just come inside from being in the burning sun all day. he needed a shower and he needed one now.

he figured he should probably order the pizza before showering, then he wouldn't have to wait and it would be here not too long after he got out.

he looked inside the counter drawers and found the flyer for a pizza place. he picked it up and scanned over it, looking for the prices and what he wanted. jungkook was a simple boy, he just wanted a medium cheese pizza that would probably last him until the next day.

$10.50? seems reasonable.

he pulled out his phone and opened the call app, dialing the number on the flyer. he waited as it rung. "lee's pizza, what can i do for you?" he heard a voice say through the phone.

"can i get a medium cheese pizza?" jungkook replied as he leaned against the counter.

"got you, anything else?" the man asked. jungkook thought about it for a moment, did he want a soda? there were plenty of drinks in the fridge.

"nah." he simply said.

"alrighty. it'll be there in about half an hour." the man said. jungkook let out an 'okay thank you' before ending the call. he then looked at the clock.

4:03. he had until 4:33 or so to shower, more than enough time.

he jogged upstairs and went into the bathroom, closing the door. he began to remove his clothes before he turned on the water, adjusting it to the temperature he preferred.


after what only felt like 5 minutes, jungkook sung in the shower as he washed his no longer sweaty hair. he was enjoying his shower a little too much.

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