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I woke up to a weird noise. I panted hard and briefly getting the oxygen to my lungs properly, like when I woke up from a nightmare and I slowly realized it was not the reality and everything is fine. My heart was racing and I wa sweating like crazy and I had the option in my mind that I was just dreaming. Her face was still in front of me. The girl's who I can see nowadays in my room. I thought this was a prank, that someone is messing with me but slowly I had to realize something is off. Firstly, noone admitted making a prank video like that and after three weeks there was still no video or any sort of sign on any of my frind's accounts of this. That was the time I sterted to panic and think about things. I had a thought that I am so needy, my hormones played tricks to my brain and made me see a beautiful girl. Especially that she was like a dream or an imagination. I saw her, I could perfectly describe her, how she looks, how tall is she, how her hair looks like, how her eyes wonders around all the time. However I never really saw her. Like it was a flash, a quick moment, she was there but not. I concidered myself stupid for these thoights, because I was sngle before for long time, but never imagined a girl in my room. That is ridiculous.
What sraced me more, there were some weird things going on, but only in my room, onl y with me. Nobody told me anything like that, not even Sam, not his girlfriend, not any of our friends when they were here. I didn't want to tell anything to anybody but I started to feel paranoid. I woke up randomly more often without reasons, I heard voices that seemed nobody else heard. There were some things moving around in my room, found them in other places I remember putting them or simply saw then move, slide or fell over. It was terrifying. The most horrifying thing was the Ouija board we played with in the forest. Since then these happenings occured, since then the board was always somewhere on my bed or on the floor, waiting to be played with, however i remember putting it away. I even get it on camera when I packed it up and slided it under my bed so I can check the time and the evidence I am not crazy and not just fantasized cleaning it up from my bed.

Nothing new, I blinked a few times until my eyes got used to the darkness in my room. I inhaled deeply and my eyes widened as I saw the board on the edge of my bed beside my legs. I oved forward a bit under my blankets, still doubt my awakeness. I squinted my eyes and concentrated to every small noise around me. 
Then I saw her.
Sitting on the other side of the board, almost demanding me to play without words. In her black trousers and dark shirt, with her long and dark hair I almost saw nothing of her.

- What the - I murmurred.

Like she heard me, almost immidiately vanished.

- The hell - I jumped back on my bed, scared.

I moved my eyes back and forth between the board and spots in my room. The silent was too loud, I heard my breathing and heart race. Almost I felt myself in avery bad horror movie. If I wanted to run out, something will grab my leg from under my bed?If I turn around she will be behind me? Am I going to be killed? What does it want from me? 
I swallowed hard and closed my eyes trying to calm my nerves. Let's think realisticly! If she wanted to kill me, by now she would already had multiply chances. 
What is her purpose?
I think she is always here. She always does this. Playing with the board, putting it in front of my eyes. I simply have to believe she wants to say something with that. Am I right?
I slowly pushed the blanket off of my legs but I moved my head around, expecting something wants to grab me. As if my blanket was a shield. 
I sat down in front of the Ouija board. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. It is fucking scary. I don't even know why am I doing this to myslef. I shook my head really slowly and let the huge amount of air out of my lungs. 
Then I draw three circles on the board...

- Is there - I swallowed again, terrifyed - Someone.. - I took a deep breath to calm mylself - or something that wants to talk?

I waited.
I focused on my fingers because I never believed in this board. Like i was said before, we always agreed on who will move the little puck on the board. It was never real. At least I thought is was never. 
The little plaquette started to slide on the board and my ears started to ring. My eyes widened and every inch of my body was shaking. My mouth was dry and I felt that every single hair on my body stood up. 


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