Chapter 7

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"So tell me, what do you want to discuss?" Scarlett started, sitting down across from Adrian. 

"I... I'm not entirely sure, I mean I just heard yesterday that I lost a rather sizable piece of land." He replied taking a sip from his coffee. "I'm sorry, that might have come across ruder then I meant it to be." He quickly added.

"That's alright," She chuckled. "It's quite understandable, I was quite surprised too when I heard." 

"Do you know more about the arrangement that they had made? I mean your grandmother and my grandfather." 

For a moment Scarlett remained quiet, just eating her breakfast thinking what to answer. "Well..." She started, "To tell you the truth, I don't know much about my grandmother at all. I mean I've lived with her for a long time, but she never talked much about her past. So all I know is what she told me, which was to come here." She then chuckled before adding, "Honestly I was kind off hoping that you could tell me more." 

A small smile graced the face of Adrian as he let out a soft chuckle. "So I guess we both have no answers."

"I guess so." 

"These are some good eggs," Adrian said taking a sip from his coffee. "But I must ask though, what do you intend to do with this land?"

"Glad you like them," Scarlett said, standing up and grabbing some more coffee. "And honestly I don't know yet. I mean it is quite a large piece of land and this cabin. For now, I just want to get things sorted out, figure out what I'm gonna do.  Learn more about my grandmother and what she left." She paused for a moment sighing. "Look I know you didn't see this coming, and trust me, neither did I. I won't fence the land or anything like that, at least for now. So you can still use most of the land and we'll have another talk about it in a month or so, how about that?"

"That sounds quite reasonable." 

"Great, would you like some more coffee as well?" She asked with a smile. 

It wasn't actually until she said that, that Adrian had even noticed that his cup was empty. "Oh yeah, that would be nice." He said holding up his cup. 

"I must ask though." She said as she poured him his coffee. "I have heard... well... rumours... Rumours about wolves in these woods. I was wondering, are these true?"

Adrian didn't quite know what to say to that. Yeah, there are wolves, actually, the entire village is filled with wolves. I am a wolf. But he couldn't say that. Besides, she had nothing to fear from those wolves, so there was no point in telling her that. So should he lie to her? Then make sure that no one would somehow run into her as a wolf? Or should he tell her that they are there? 

When he realized that he had been quiet for too long he quickly looked back to her. A look of 'are you ok?' was very apparent on her face. "I...  I mean, I don't think they are supposed to be here, but yeah I've heard the occasional rumour." 

"But have you ever seen any yourself?" Scarlett asked him.

"I..." Adrian hesitated, "I have never seen one no." 

The two of them talked a bit more until it was time for Adrian to leave. He thanked her for breakfast and offered to help with the dishes. Scarlett declined, telling him that she could manage and that he probably had somewhere to be. So they said goodbye and Adrian left. 

That day all that Scarlett did was cleaning out the house and tidying everything. It wasn't until she reached the bedroom that she found something rather odd. 

She was standing in the closet and there, all the way in the back was a box. It was around the size of a shoe box and coated with dust. Slowly she bent over to pick it up, it was however when she tried to lift it that she realized it was heavier then she expected. 

So she sat down on the floor next to the box and lifted the lid. In the box lay an old leather-bound book. Confused she picked it up, as she did a small note lying underneath was revealed. 

She put down the book next to her and reached for the paper. It was folded twice, and in her grandmother's handwriting, had her name written on it. Strange... she thought.

Carefully she unfolded the paper and started reading the note. 

Dear Scarlett,

This is yours now. I hope it will help you as much as it helped me.

Love, Grandma

She put the note back down again and shifted her attention back to the book. Reaching over she unclipped the little strip of leather keeping the book closed. As she did so, gold lettering appeared on the cover of the book. 


 Then in small lettering underneath her name appeared. 

Weird, really really weird...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2018 ⏰

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