Chapter 4

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"I'm calling him," Jim said to George the second he heard the door close behind her.

"What?" George said looking scared, "Is that really a good idea?"

"I don't know, but we have to." He replied sighing. "We'll most likely have to call Luke as well."

"Just don't do any rash things..."

"Than what do you think we should do? He has to know, he's just lost quite a sizable piece of land, and we have no clue who that woman is, or where she came from." Jim replied taking out his phone.

"Her name did sound familiar though..."

"How about this, you go and look into that girl her grandmother and everything. And I'll call him."

"Alright." George replied. "Let's hope all goes well..."

It was nearly forty five minutes later when Jim came back from his phone call. He sighed as he sat down in the chair across from George and rubbed his forehead.

"And?" George asked without looking up. "Do we still have jobs?"

Jim let out a quiet humorless chuckle before sitting up straight. "Well he isn't happy about this. Though that is to put it softly."

"Better then I expected."

"Better then I did as well. He's now contacting his dad about all this and he'll get back to me soon. He does however want us to run a full background check on the girl and all."

"Good thing I'm already on that." George replied leaning back from his computer and taking of his glasses.

"What have you found so far?" Jim replied.

"Well the name isn't much to go off. I mean lots of girls are named Scarlet Graham. When I however looked at all the girls that came from this village named Scarlet Graham, that changed things." He said turning the computer screen for Jim to see.

"You see, she used to life not so far from here. Together with her mother and grandmother. They however left abruptly after one particular night... Look at that date Jim. It's her..."

Jim stared at the screen intently as he watched news articles get pulled up. There she was clear as day, the girl they had witnessed crying that night and the girl they had found covered in blood.

"Shit..." Was all Jim could say as he moved his hands to his forehead.

"That's not good." He added after a while.

"Yeah you tell me." George said. "As for the grandmother, she has lived here for longer. There aren't much digital records, but I'll delve into the paper ones tomorrow. First we have to tell him this."

"You're right... And we'll have to cal Luke." Jim replied.

George nodded rubbing his face. "God what have we gotten ourselves into..."

The sun hung low in the sky and only slightly penetrated through the thick woods. Weak beams of light reached through, giving the woods a dark and ominous feeling. 

Scarlett wasn't fond of the woods, ever since that one particular day all those years ago, it seemed that they only harbored danger. Her hands clutched the steering wheel tightly as she continued down the darkening dirt road. 

Out of nowhere,  as she looked ahead she noticed the outline of what could only be her grandmother's cabin. She felt her spirits rise as she saw how close she could get to the structure without leaving the safety of her car. 

The relief she felt was however only short lived as she came to the end of the road. Only a small thin path now led to the cabin. She estimated it to be around 20 meters, but it felt too far.

With her eyes fixed on the cabin, she put the car in park and shut off the engine. 'This is it.' She thought as she looked at the building in front of her. Seeing it was like seeing an old friend in a dream. For a moment she just sat there and stared at it. Then realizing it was time she reached over to the passenger seat and grabbed the backpack and rifle that were lying there. 

Sure not many had believed her when she talked about giant wolves in the forest. But she didn't want to take any changes. So now she slung the backpack on and grabbed the rifle. 

'I can do this.' She thought as she slowly wrapped her hand around the door handle. Taking a deep breath and releasing it slowly she opened the door. She was out quick and wasted no time making sure that the rifle was cocked and ready. 

Fear filled her body as she took in her environment. Everything around her seemed to remind her of that one fateful night. But she knew she had to press on. Safety was only 20 meters away, she couldn't freeze now. Besides for as far as she knew, nothing dangerous was hiding in these woods. 

Trembling previously she walked towards the cabin. Before she knew it she had reached the wooden door. Reaching into her pocket she pulled out a set of keys. From them, she took the second largest one and gently pushed it into the keyhole. 

The lock made a soft clicking noise as the door swung open. This, however, took Scarlett by surprise, this door hadn't opened in years, why did it open so easily? 

She grabbed the flashlight that was attached to the side of her backpack and swiftly turned it on. The light illuminated what appeared to be an entrance hall. On her right, she noticed a light switch. She figured that it wouldn't work, because let's face it, it had not been used in quite some time, so the electrical bills would probably not have been paid. 

Still, curiousity grabbed her as she moved towards it and carefully extended her hand towards it. The second she touched it, suddenly the entire house seemed to spring to life. 

Like magic the lights were on, the plants and flowers sprung to life again and the dust seemed to disappear. 

Scarlett was stunned by this, but basked in the safety of the light and felt right at home. She turned to the door and closed it behind her as she decided to take a look around the house. 

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