Chapter 5

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Zane's POV:
While roaming in the mansion, we were strolling through the hallway and I'm starting to feel something weird is going on in this mansion. Ughhhhhh I'm getting the creepy vibes here.....

"Yo Matt, you think there's something weird going o about this house?" I whispered to him.

" might have a point, where is everyone? Did we arrived too early?" He asked curiously.

"I don't know, you tell me smartass!" I yell at him, but he ignore me for a second and he puts a finger to my lips.

"Shush Zane, I found someone." He told me.

"Hm?" I said as I turn to where Matthew is looking at where I saw some dude with blonde hair sleeping on the couch. I looked completely deadpan by this.

For real man? This is the guy that living here?

I thought curiously.

Nope, that man told us he has six sons, so he's gotta be one of them.

He reassured me as I crept a sly smirk when an idea popped out of my mind.

Really now? Let's see how long he'll sleep when I do this to him!

I exclaimed mentally as I dash to the living room to bother the hell out of that blonde haired wannabe while snickering softly.

"Dude no! Ugh Zane come back here!" He shouted as he ran after me. While we're in the living room, I peered from the couch and stare at the guy with blonde hair who is sleeping. I let out a soft chuckle.

This is gonna be fun!

I thought with a devilish smirk as I heard Matthew tip toeing to my side and sat next to me.

Zane whatever ya do don't.

He warned me in my mind, but I did give a fuck and went on with my sneaky plan.

Nope too late.

I retort him mentally and inhale the air where I shout our loud in the whole living room.

"WAKE UP SLEEPYHEAD!!!" I yelled as I kick the couch over waking the sleepy blonde dude up. I then laugh my ass off at his reaction.

Matthew's POV:
For the love of god Zane, what the hell were you thinking?!?

I thought while face palming at his mischief.

"Hahahahahaha!!! Omg that is hilarious!" Zane laughed hysterically as he kept on cracking up, the guy with blonde hair groans and rubs his head.

"So annoying..." He grumbled while rubbing his head as Zane kept on laughing like an idiot, but I wasn't enjoying it and smack his head.

"Knock it off dude!" I scold at him with a glare as I let out a sigh and look at the blonde haired guy with sympathetic eyes. I kneel down to his level and lend him a hand.

"Sorry about him man, he can be an idiot, but he's-"

"I'm fine, I don't need you to tell me that." He coldly spat which had me bewildered at his lukewarm tone.

Wow rude much?

I thought as the blonde haired guy stand up and sweep the dust off of his shirt and pants.

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