Chapter 9

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Matthew's POV:
Once we arrived in school, Yui went to her first class while Zane and I are hanging out in the halls where we both discussed about random usual things.

"Ugh I can't believe I have math in first class!" Zane whined as I shut the locker door close.

"You'll be fine man, it's not going to be that bad." I reassured him.

"Yes it is!" He retorts as he glomps to my chest and groans underneath it where I sighed and patted his head gently.

"I know math is boring and all, but hang in there kay?" I comfort him as he lift his head with his adorable puppy dog eyes.

"Can I least have some Cheetos before I go?" He asked with a pout while giving me those damn puppy dog eyes as I rolled my eyes and pull out a bag of Cheetos and give it to him.

"Go for it." I casually said to him.

"Awww yeah thanks Matt!" He cheered as he swipe the bag from my hand and open the bag like a bear, but soon his snack got interrupted when we both heard a loud noise from afar.

"Gah! Watch it man!!"

"The hell was that?" Zane asked curiously.

"Don't know, let's check it out." I assured him as we strolled down to where the noise is coming from where we saw Kanato facing with some guy with brown hair and glasses who is glaring at the teddy bear holding vampire with his four friends standing beside him.

"Are you crazy?! The hell's wrong with you?!?" The bespectacled brunette shouted.

"Shut up! You made me dropped teddy and you all will pay!" He retorts while glaring at him.

"Dude it's just a fucking doll, no need to complain about it!" The bespectacled brunette spat.

"What do you know?! You don't know a thing about me so why even bother telling me all this?!" Kanato snarled back.

"Are you serious man? We just bump into each other and your accusing me of damaging your toy?!" The bespectacled brunette yelled.

"You hurt teddy and now you must pay!" He retorts again not wanting to listen to his words no more.

"Whoa, whoa! Everyone calm down, we don't wanna stir up violence here!" The girl with long black hair and ruby eyes wearing a blue hairband shouted trying to diffuse the fight between Kanato and the brunette. However, Kanato didn't listen and turn to the long haired ravenette with a strong glare.

"Shut up ignorant girl! Stay out of my way!" He snarled at the gentle ravenette, but soon the girl, who looks exactly like the girl except with short hair who I assume they're sisters, steps in front of her and gave Kanato the death glare.

"Hey don't talk to my sister like that!" She warns him with her ruby orbs burning in rage.

"Don't tell me what to do!" He retorts while glaring at them.

"How about you shut the fuck up before I shove my fist up to your ass?" The bespectacled brunette threatens him showing his fist at him. Getting out of hand, the guy with bleach blonde hair grabs his arm and pulled him away gently.

"Easy Kōji, this guy is trying his best to provoke you." He reassured him which had Kanato snapped.

"You stay out of this stupid!!" He exclaimed in agitation. As we both stood there watching them bickering back and forth with the ravenette girl and the bleach blonde haired man are trying to diffuse the fight, the other girl is cracking her knuckles getting ready to beat him up, and the man with bluish violet hair just stood there who seems to be irritated with the whole argument. I let out a sigh and glance at my friend, Zane, who is getting aggravated by the whole situation.

Is this a good time to kick his ass?

Zane asked me in my thoughts where I activate my mind reading ability to respond.

Sure why not? I'm actually pretty annoyed anyway.

I told him as he smirks slyly and we both approach them without saying a single word.

Cyril's POV:
"You will pay for what you did to teddy!" Kanato snapped at Kōji who is getting really annoyed with his bitching.

"Dude it was an accident! Besides it's fine!" He retorted with an aggravated look.

"Don't lie to me you filthy fox!" He harshly spat which had Kōji snapped when he called him that.

"Oh you're gonna be vampire shit if ya gonna say that to me!" He snarled as his eyes turn crimson red and his claw on his right hand comes out, but Noel and Rei quickly pulled him away and holds him down to prevent him from losing his temper.

"I said easy Kōji! We don't want to stir up trouble!" Noel reassured him while holding him down.

"Noel is right! You've caused trouble too many times this week and now we're not going to let the same thing happened again!" Rei agreed with Noel while preventing him from beating Kanato up.

"I don't care! Ain't nobody call me a filthy fox! Imma claw his face off!!" He growled while struggling to break free from their grasps. On the other hand, I stood there with an impatient look

This is getting ridiculous.

I thought while pinching my forehead feeling very agitated right now. Soon I heard Ran cracking her knuckles with a serious expression.

"Listen asshole, if you ain't gonna stop chastising Kōji, I'm going to knock you head open." She bluntly threatens, but I put a hand in front of her to stop her from doing that.

"Don't do that Ran, and also Kōji ignore this spoiled brat. We're leaving immediately." I reassured both of them as me and my friends were about to leave, but Kanato blocked my way and glare at me.

"I am not a brat! All of you will never hurt teddy again! I will hurt each and every o-" Soon his words are cut off when someone kicked him from behind as Kanato falls flat to the floor and we all took one step back from him once he fell. Once he's down, I glance up to see who's responsible for kicking him where I widen my eyes to see the two new students. One is a man with black hair and brown eyes and the second is a man with dark blue hair and narrow grey eyes who happens to be the one who kicked Kanato.

"Calm the fuck down you crazy damn brat." The dark bluish haired man bluntly remarked with a blank look. The male ravenette sighed.

"Jesus Christ, this guy's such a child." The male ravenette remarked.

"Damn right he is, what parent raised him to be like this?" The dark bluish haired man asked.

"I have no clue..." He replied with an unimpressed expression. I blink my eyes twice before I respond.

"...You're those new students right?" I asked curiously as both of them look up to see me and my friends and smiled.

"Yup." The male ravenette responded.

"Sup dudes." The dark bluish haired man greeted where we both face each other for the first time.

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