It's amazing what a little bit more of anything can do. If you add a single drop of bleach to a gallon of water and drink it, you'd probably be fine. But add one more drop, and another, and another, and another, and another, then that gallon of water becomes something quite different.As I see what's left of the beach, I have to think the same principle applies here.
What had once been blue waters and crisp sand had turned into a dark sea of sludge and scum. There was so much debris that one couldn't tell where the water ended and the beach began. A person might think, "Well I could tell the difference, even with the trash the sea would still be moving and shifting around." Yes this is true, but there is one thing you didn't account for.
The sea turtles. Or at least the last ones, moving under the filth.
When the ocean began its final cough and sputter, billions of fish began to die as one would expect. It's not like they breathe air, or have somewhere to go. But the turtles had opportunity to escape, which led them to land. And people. And predators. And even more sea turtles.
The Turtle Graves became a social media phenomenon overnight. People flooded the beaches for pictures of hundreds upon hundreds of turtles crawling and dying on top of one another. An image of an empty black shell quickly became a profile filter. Many environmental organizations printed thousands, and thousands, and thousands of flyers to warn about the dangers of overproduction.
They've been abandoned now, however. The new media craze is a south American jungle with chemically altered trees. That was one of the cooler picture filters, a green tree with black water droplets on the leaves. If you didn't like that though, there were lots of filters.
Its time for me to leave this nasty place. This place is gross and I have a VR system at home where I can see a perfectly pristine beach.
It's simply amazing what technology can do.