Chapter 9: Shelby

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I just want to make it clear that Mari (aka me) is NOT a YouTuber IRL!! I just am in the story!! Okay?? Good! Back to the story!!

I walk into math class and sink down into my desk. I really didn't feel like waking up this morning. My nose is stuffy, my throat hurt, and my ears are stopped up.

Having a cold sucks.

Matt sits next to me and notices my glum face. "Why so blue, Shub?" he asks me. "I have a cold," I tell him, pointing to the tissue box beside his desk. He gives me the box and I smile. "Thanks," I say. "No problem," he replies.

Parker sits on the opposite side of me. "Hey Shelby, what's wrong? Do you have a cold or something?" I nod. "That explains the tissues," he says, making me laugh.

The bell rings and the morning announcements come on over the intercom. These are usually done by the seniors who work in the office.

"Good morning, YouTube High! Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance."

We say the Pledge and then sit down and listen to the rest of the announcements.

"Students, if you are interested to join the many clubs we have here at YouTube High School, sign up sheets are here at the office. The clubs are: Yearbook Committee, Student Council, Gamer Club, and Robotics.

"There is also a Back To School Dance coming up next Friday! Casual dance, so girls may wear blue jeans, but no short shorts or spaghetti straps.

That's all for your morning announcements, have a great rest of the day!"

And the announcements are over.

The dance has sparked something in the classroom. I can barely hear the buzz because of my cold, but it's there.

Matt leans over to me. "So, do you think anyone will ask you?"

I shake my head. No one will ask me.

I turn towards Parker, who shyly smiles at me. The teacher claps her hands and I direct my attention towards her, and we begin the school day.

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