Violet Parks-Hadley

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My name was Violet Parks at first, but then I married Jackson Hadley and became Violet Parks-Hadley. I was alive for 18 seemingly short years. I was born on December 7, 2179, and know for a fact that Jackson continues to celebrate my birthday when the children are asleep. Cato knows and I'm sure that he told Logan at some point. In case you haven't guessed it yet, I was alive between the years of 2179 and 2197, dying just three months after Logan was born. Three short months I was torn away from my two children and my husband. I had green eyes and dark drown hair that had few tints of red in it. Neither of my children look like me except for a little bit of the face. Other than that, my two boys are spitting images of Jackson... My weapon was throwing daggers, just like that Clove Greenleaf... From the glimpses that I get to see, she's amazing with them. Already better than I was.

I passed away in the 56th Games from a tribute slitting my throat. The action woke me up and I was awake the entire time that I choked on my own blood. I'm not sure who it was that killed me but I faintly remember my District partner holding me. I think his name was Christopher. Christopher Greenleaf. He kept telling me that Jennifer was grateful to me for volunteering for her sister, Lynn. I don't remember much about what he actually said to me. I only remembered that I had heard a few words that sounded like he was thanking me and then a few more about his family. I believe that he swore that he would take revenge on my killer... I know for a fact that his attempt at revenge was what killed him. I watched as the spear went through his chest. I don't remember the face of the tribute that threw the spear though. I think the only reason that I saw how he died was because he was murdered mere feet away from where my throat was slit. There is no words for me to explain the confusion that I constantly feel. Where am I? All I know is that I'm tied to the spot that I died, but I'm also trapped in blackness. There's times when I can see Christopher and can even talk to him. Then there's times when I feel electricity going through my body, like someone is trying to shock me.

My two boys... They both have a chance at getting away from the Games alive. I've seen how they've trained with large time gaps. Cato is tall and muscular for his age group. He is well trained with the sword and any type of combat. He doesn't hesitate either. It does not matter who he is facing. He will strike as quickly as he possibly can. Will that be enough to save him in the end? He does have a mouth... That mouth can do damage to anyone that he uses it against. As for Logan... He's smaller than his brother. Small enough to be able to hide but big enough to strike quickly. He hesitates too much while working with his daggers. That hesitation normally causes him to miss the target, which could lead to death. Logan doesn't know how to survive in a combat close at hand. He relies too much on his daggers and those can be what causes his death. How is he going to live through that? He won't. He needs to learn and he needs to learn it quickly. If not... He could end up here with me. I don't want that for either of my children. They deserve to live a longer life now. Longer than I got to live. I will do my best to protect them from the fate of the Games.

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