Andrea Smith

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Hi there! So the name is Andrea Smith and unfortunately I'm 17 right now. I was born on March 12th in the year 2198. I grew up with a light brown hair color and then it turned blonde when I was roughly around 5. My Mum and my Dad say that I was born with green eyes, but around when I turned 2 they changed to blue. So now I have the classic blonde hair and blue eye combination. I'm honestly a little tired of it and just want to do something to my hair, but of course it has to be kept the same until I'm out of the reapings. Stupid rules, but it's what could help me get sponsors if I'm ever reaped. I've seen tributes with my hair and eyes turn out amazing in the Games.

So, in case you haven't noticed I was lucky enough to grow up with both of my parents. My parents are pretty young and they're constantly worrying about me. Like, they think I'll make a wrong decision and end up with my name in the bowl more times than it should be. I only have two years left, so of course they're going to be worried about me. I mean... It is understandable after all. They've had friends who were at this stage and they got reaped into the Games. Some of them even died within the first few days of the Games starting. District 2 is suppose to be this big, huge, ruthless District in the Games. In reality, we aren't. We don't do much other than fight for our lives like everyone else. Training doesn't always increase our chances for winning or getting a high score. I don't really know how other people can think that. It doesn't make sense to me. I asked Mom and Dad about it before but they avoided the question. It's like they're scared of the Capitol and President Snow.

I've trained with a bow and arrow. I know how to fight though. I don't rely on my weapon to keep me alive. If I did, I know I would be killed within moments. I want to avoid getting killed in the Games if I'm reaped. I have my parents and Logan Hadley to come back to. By coming back to Logan I mean that I'm his girlfriend. We've been dating for a few years now. I honestly can't think of a single fight that's caused us to separate from each other longer than a few hours. He means a lot to me and I know that he wants to go fight with the rebels that are rising. We hear about them and it sounds like a good idea sometimes. But then I see how many Peacekeepers we're pushing out. I don't see any hope of rebels winning a war. It's probably just a chance to go on suicide missions to just get back at the Capitol.

As for me with the rebels... I really don't know. I can't decide if I want to leave my family behind or go with Logan when he runs. They could use my family against me. President Snow could eventually find out everything about those who are fighting and go after the family members of them. Do I want to put my family in that type of danger? Is a relationship with Logan worth leaving them behind? They could go after me though... I don't know what to do. I'll end up figuring it out when I get to that point. I can't think of what I would do... This is stressful. I don't need to think of this right now.

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